Friday, 13 August 2021

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 9

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 9

1954, and this month I will be looking at my Chamber of Commerce 1954 Holiday guide, I am struck by how many of the hotels listed here have vanished. In this blog I look at some of those listed, and also at some of the breaking news for that year. I've also tried to check where the hotels were and what replaced them.

To set the scene for the year, here are some events during 1954.

The Lilywhite Laundry had ceased some time in the 1980s. It was one of two requisitioned by the Germans during the Occupation for their own use.  The sum stolen of £500 would be about £14,000 in today's money!

Highway robbery calls to mind masked highwaymen on horseback. It is a rather old fashioned term which has changed it's meaning and now is taken more as a metaphorical idiom

The two rectors mentioned were:
1938-1954 Le Rév. M. Charle P. du Heaume
1954-1962 Le Rév. M. Lawrence F.M. Helleur

March 1954

24. St. Helier parish assembly. the Poor Law Commission estimates of £85,000 for relief being adopted; a number of road widening recommendations including Le Geyt Street, Bath street and Devonshire Place were agreed to. Two further cases of house- breaking occur, these in the Samares area and in one the safe was carried away. .

25.. States discuss the Budget, the Finance Committee president remarking that it was “a very satisfactory position; revenue totalled £2,413,214, with expenditure at £2.613,432, and with a balance of £533,322 from the previous year the estimated surplus was £363,103. Suicide verdict returned at inquest held on the body of Mrs. J. Le Geyt, found gassed at her home in Columbus Street.

26.. Debate on the Budget continued, the abolition of Entry Dues being proposed by the Finance Committee president and lodged au Greffe; tributes were paid to Mr. H. F. Ereaut, the retiring States Treasurer.

27.. A £500 burglary in which a safe. was broken open at the Lilywhite Laundry, St. Aubin, during the night; of Thursday to Friday is disclosed by the police, an arrest being made. Triangular athletics meeting between Victoria College, Hautlieu and St. Helier School held at College Field, the latter school winning the event; in Guernsey, the annual inter-College athletics meeting was won by Victoria College.

28.. . . Presentation of silver tea, service and cheque made to the Rev. C. P. du Heaume, retiring Rector of St. Lawrence.

29. Before the Police Court to. day, a St. Helier man, Maurice Moyse, 21, was charged with the burglary at, the Lilywhite Laundry, St. Aubin, and was remanded.

30 States: The. Public Health Committee resigned following disagreement over the voting of one of its members : it was announced there would be no public holiday this year on Liberation Day as it fell on a Sunday; an Act and Report on the disposal of surplus milk was presented by the Committee of Agriculture; the responsibility for housing States-housed families evicted for non-payment of rent and the licensing of itinerant photographers received attention .The appointment of an Inspector of Cattle at the Abattoirs was only confirmed after strong opposition had been voiced and a vote taken, various other minor matters were also dealt with. Highway robbery occurs at Mont Cochon. a middle-aged woman being attacked and robbed of £50 ; three men were later arrested in connection with the affair.

31.~. St. Saviour’s hold meeting on National Service, the three Deputies being in favour. The appointment announced of the Rev. L. F. M. Helleur to the Rectorship of St. Lawrence.

Hotels 1954

This was 44 La Motte Street,  It is now Minerva Financial Services.

The proprietor C.J. Liron was Cyril Liron, I have been told by his grandaughter Vicki, who remembers the hotel.

Now a private house

Now this is flats.

Belmont House Flats now.

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