Saturday, 13 November 2021

Wars Remembered

An acrostic poem for Remembrance Sunday (tomorrow)

Wars Remembered

Remember, this day, a moment of peace
Everything stops. Let the fighting cease
Mourn the fallen, those lives lost in war
Every precious testimony of what they saw
Mud, barbed wire, shells: echoes of death
Bravery, courage, and then the last breath
Everyone was also another mother’s son
Recall the push, that final deadly run

The bombs fell, buildings ablaze in the night
Hearing the whine and then seeing the light
Everyone in the cities lived through this blight

Fight never stops, in the lands close and far
And battle worn, wounded, always a scar
Let the last post sound, the trumpet’s lament
Let each note ring out, let the silence be rent
Endings remembered, but wounded live on
Now salute as they march past, and are gone.

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