Friday, 4 February 2022

Victoria College: The Register 1855

Notes on Transcription

This is a transcript from the old Victoria College register book. It has been made using a combination of OCR and corrections by hand - a lot were needed as the print of the book is an old style which does not readily convert with good accuracy.

This register was collated in book form by the writer (E.C. Cooper) contacting as many Old Victorians as he could and getting information as to their whereabouts, whether they had died (the book was published shortly after 1956), and their careers. Sometimes it is very sparse, sometimes, we have almost a "Who's Who" record of where they went and what they did.


220. KENSINGTON, THEODORE. Son of A. Kensington, La.Rosiere, St. Saviour’s. Became a Sohoolmaster, and was a house-master at. Winchester.

221. EDWARDS, ANTHONY. Son of Edwards, Calcutta.

222. LE BAS, DUMARESQ. Son of F. Le Bas, Sand Street. Brother of 233, 234. Went to Monte Video. Died in London. 1886.

223. DOWDING, ARTHUR. Brother of 183, 187.

224. BRIDGER, HENRY. Brother of 202, 203. Left in 1856. Entered Royal Navy. Lieutenant 1865. Retired 1872. Barrister (Middle , Temple) 1884. Was living at S. Norwood.

225. WILLIS, HENRY. Son of Mrs. Willis, Ormond Lodge, Clarendon Road. Brother of 226.

226. WILLIS, HERBERT. Brother of 225.

227. DE GRUCHY, FRANK. Brother of 70.

228. AUBIN, ALFRED. Son of A. Aubin, Roseland, St. Saviour’s. Deceased.

229. BLACKLEY, FREDERICK TRAVERS. Son of J. Blackley, 2 Trafalgar Terrace.

230. HEWITT, CHARLES A. Son of Hon. and Rev. J. P. Hewitt, Moneymore Rectory. Entered the Army (24th Foot). Lieutenant 1860. Retired 1870.


231. FALLA, ELIAS JOHN. Son of Mrs. Falls, 15 Union Street.

232. DE GRUCHY, ELIAS PHILIP. Son of E. de Gruchy, Maufant, St. Saviour.

233. LE BAS, JOHN. Brother of 222 and 234. Deceased.

234. LE BAS, J AMES. Brother of 222 and 233. Deceased.

235. EREAUT, GEORGE. Brother of 14, 130. Deceased.

230. GAUDIN, FREDERICK. Brother of 181.

237. SNELL, FRANCIS WILLIAM. Son of G. Snell, Simon Place. Brother of 636. Left. 1867. Gained Queen’s History Prize. Nominated for clerkship at the Admiralty, but resigned and entered Sandhurst. Served in 15th Foot, 76th Foot and Bombay S.C. Lieutenant-Colonel in 1895. Retired I903. Admitted student at Inner Temple 1877, reverted to military dept. Bombay Political Dept. 1895. Adminstrator of Rajpipla and Porbandar States. Political agent in Catch 1900. Address 72 Courtfield Gardens, Kensington.

238. DUNDAS, CHARLES AMESBUBY. Son of C. J. Dundee, Springfield House.

239. LE BRETON, TREVOR. ALEXANDER. Brother of 30, 189, 418, and 674. Sec. Lieutenant R.Marineu 1865. Deceased.

240. RENOUF, THOMAS NELSON. Son of T. Renouf, St. Martin.

241. COBBOLD, NATHANIEL FROMANTEEL. Son of J. C. Cobbold, M.P. Ipswich.

242. LEMPRIERE, GEORGE JAMES. Son of W. Lempriére, Ecclestone Square Pimlico.



244. LAVERTY, WALLIS HAY. Son of Mrs. Laverty, 1 Shamrock Terrace. Left 1858. Went to Royal Naval School. Mathematics Scholarship Queen’s College Oxford 1864. Junior Mathematics Scholar and lst Cl. Mathematics Mods. 1866. 131: CI. Mathematics Finals 1867. Senior Mathematics and Johnson University Scholar 1870. Ordained 1870. Fellow and Lecturer Queen’s College. Thrice public examiner in Mathematics. Rector of Headley, Liphook

245. CASE, HENRY ALEXANDER. Son of Mrs. Case, Mt. St. Clair.


247. HOLLAND, PHILIP. Son of L. Holland. 1 Hastings Terrace. Analytical Chemist in Manchester.

248. ACKLOM, SPENCER. Son of Captain Acklom, 3 Hastings Terrace. Entered the Army (16th and and 88th Foot). Served in S. African War 1827—8, Kaflit War (mentioned in despatches) and Afghan War 1879—80. Lieutenant.Colonel Cmdg. 2nd Connaught Rangers 1890. Retired 1893.

249. OGLE, HARMAN CHALLONER. Gained Classical and Matth Medals and Queen’s Exhibition. Demy of Magdalen College Oxford.Lit Cl. Mods. 1863, lst Cl. Lib. Hum. 1865. Gained Ireland, Craven, and Denyer and Johnson Theological Scholarships. Fellow of Magdalen 1866. Classical Moderator. Ordained. Warden of Queen'sCollege Birmingham. Head of Magdalen College School. Resigned 1886. Died 1887.

250. RUDDACK, EDWARD HARMSWORTH. Son of Captain Ruddack, 5 Waverley Terrace.

251. LESBIREL, JOHN FRANCIS. Son of J. F. Lesbirel, 23 Duhamel Place. Deceased.

252. ESNOUF, FRANCIS. Son of F. Esnouf, 10 Don Road. Brother of 924, 992. Left 1864.

253. DALLAIN, FRANCIS GIDEON. Son of Mrs. Dallain, Island, St. Lawrence. Deceased.

254. WARRINGTON, R. H.W. Brother of 111, 112.

255. FALLE, JOHN. Son of J. Falle, Oakland. Grenville. Brother of 682. Deceased.

256. GIRANDOT, FRANCIS NOEL. Son of F. Girandot, Montebollo, St. Peter’s.

257. PATRICKSON, JOHN. Son of Maj. Patrickson. Gained Queen’s History Prize. Entered Sandburst 1865. Died at St. Helier 1885.

258. GOLDEN, EDWARD. Son of J. Golden, 5 St. Saviour’s Crescent Brother of 259. Died 1862.

259. GOLDEN, CHARLES. Brother of 259.

260. WESTAWAY, JAMES GUILLES. Gained Mod. Lang. Medal. Sandburst 1861. Entered the Army (13th Foot}. Captain Died at Newcastle, Natal, 1877.

261. WESTAWAY, ALEXANDER. Gained Queen's History Prize, Halford Medal, Mod. Lang. Medal. Deceased.


263. BOWEN, JOHN. Son of Mrs. Bowen, Clevedon, Somerset.

264. NORMAN, FRANCIS. Brother of 32 and 110. Deceased.

265. SARTORIUS, REGINALD WILLIAM. Son of Admiral Sir G. Sartorius G.C.B., Elysée. Brother of 266 and 329. Indian Army (7th Bengal North India) Indian Mutiny. Relief of Azinghur. Operations in Gorruckpore District, Cossyah and Jyntiah Hills (1862-3), Bhotan (1864—5), Ashanti War (1873-4) twice mentioned in despatches. Battalion-Major, V.C., C.M.G., Afghan War (1878-9), Batallion Colonel, , Major-General. 1895. Retired 1897. Died 1907. .

266. SARTORIUS, EUSTON HENRY. Brother of 265, 329. Entered the Army (59th Foot). Afghan War(1879—80). Battalion Major, V.C. and mentioned in despatches for leading attack in capturing a. hill in possession of the Ghazis at Shahjni. Major E. Lancs. Regiment. 1881.D.A.A.G. and D.A.Q.M.G. Aldershot 1882. Egyptian Expedition 1882, D.A.A and Q.M.G. Lines of Communication and base (despatches). Battalion Lieutenant-Colonel and Osmanich 4th Class. Battalion Colonel 1886. Colonel 1889. A.A.G. (Sn. District) 1889-94. C.B.. 1896. Military Attaché at Tokio 1896. Major General 1899. Retired 1901 Gained R.H.S. Bronze Medal. Colonel of S. Lancs. Regiment. Died 1925.

267. POWELL, EDWARD HENRY. Son of Mrs. Fowell, 96 St. Saviour’s Road. Brother of 268.

268. FOWELL, GOOCH. Brother of 267.

269. DU JARDIN, JOHN THOMAS. Brother of 206, 449, 450. Deceased.

270. STEVENS, WALTER J OHN. Son of J. Stevens, Beresford Street.

271. AUBIN, ERNEST. Son of Mrs. Aubin, 60 Don Road.

272. TWEED, WALTER JAMES. Son of Rev. J. Tweed, Capel Rectory, Ipswich. Entered the Army (49th Foot). Resigned 1866.

273. WILLIAMS, RICHARD WHEATLEY. Son of R. Williams, 60 St. Saviour’s Road.


274. PACE, FREDERICK WILLIAM. Son of Major Pace.

275. CHAMPION, JAMES. Son of Mrs. Champion, Five Oaks.

276. HERBERT, CHARLES WILLIAM. Son of B. Herbert, Clarendon Road.

277. MOORE, JOHN HAMILTON. Son of T. Moore, Bath Street. , Brother of 693.

278. CRAWSHAW, CHARLES J OHN. Son of Rev. J. Crawshaw.

279. DE FAYE, PHILIP. Son of T. de Faye, 14, St. Jellies Street. Brother of 316. Gained Modern Languages Medal. Deceased.

280. OGIER, WILLIAM JOHN. Son of A. Ogier, Five Oaks

281. EVANS, WALTER. Brother of 7, 146, 179, 352.

282. DE CARTERET, PHILIP. Son of E. de Carteret, Joint Stock Bank. Brother of 283 and 45(?).

283. DE CARTERET, JOSEPH. Brother of 282.

284. LE BROCQ, PHILIP. Son of A. Le Brocq, St. Mary’s.

285. SILLS, FRANCIS. Son of G. Sills, 19 Doddington Grove, Kensington Park, London. Architect and Surveyor. A.R.I.B.A. 1881. Served under Sir W. Siemens. Executed alterations in Calcutta Mint. Employed Indian Public Works Deptartment, Madras in great famine. Received thanks of Madras Government for irrigation scheme. Retired to private practice in London.

286. ERRLNGTON, CHARLES FITZHERBERT. Son of Mrs. Errington, 44 Durnford Street, Plymouth. Gained Classics Medal. Left. 1862. Entered Army (R.A.). Lieutenant 1865. Died 1866.

287. ECCLES, CHARLES. Son of Mrs. Eccles, 27 St. Saviour’s Road.

288. SKELLAND, ROBERT. Son of Mrs. Skelland, 21 Stopford Road. Brother of 289.

289. SKELLAND, PHILIP. Brother of 288.

290. FORREST, ARTHUR. Son. of A. Forrest, 14 The Terrace.

291. FRASER, THOMAS. Son of G. Fraser, 3 Almorah Crescent. Left 1858. Went through Woolwich. Lieutenant Royal engineers. 1862, Captain 1874. Attended Military operations in France 1870-1 ,and in Turkey , 1876—7 (Bulgarian campaign against Russia). Served in S. Africa, Transvaal campaign 1880-4. A.A.G. and Q.M.G. in Natal, and Political Secretary to Sir Evelyn W ood. Present at Amajuba Hill, mentioned in despatches, received C.M.G. Served in Egypt 1882 as Brigade Major Royal Engineers. At capture of Ismalia and five actions, including Kassassin and Tel-el-Kebir. Twice mentioned in despatches, made Battalion Colonel, received 4th Class Osmanich and 3rd Class Medjudie Medal with clasp and bronze star. Employed with Egyptian Army 1882—5. Was on Soudan Expedition 1884—5 as A.A.G. Lines of communication. Mentioned again in despatches and made Battaltion Colonel. Received C.B. in 1891. Was at War Office 1892—4 as A.I.G. Fortifications, and C.R.E. Southern District 1891-6. Commended School of Military Engineering 1896-1902, was President Royal Engineers Committee, and Major General Commanding Thames District 1898-1902. Hon. Colonel Cheshire Royal Engineers Volunteers. Colonel Commandant . Royal Engineers. 1913. K.C.B.

292. FRASER, GEORGE. Brother of 291, 293. Died young.

293. FRASER, SAMUEL GORDON. Brother of 291, 292. Became a civil engineer.


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