Friday, 11 February 2022

Victoria College: The Register 1856

Notes on Transcription

This is a transcript from the old Victoria College register book. It has been made using a combination of OCR and corrections by hand - a lot were needed as the print of the book is an old style which does not readily convert with good accuracy.

This register was collated in book form by the writer (E.C. Cooper) contacting as many Old Victorians as he could and getting information as to their whereabouts, whether they had died (the book was published shortly after 1956), and their careers. Sometimes it is very sparse, sometimes, we have almost a "Who's Who" record of where they went and what they did.


295. CHUBB, CHARLES. Son of C. Chubb, 8 Victoria. Street. Brother of 338.

296. HORMAN, DUHAMEL. Son of G. Horman, 7 The Terrace. Gained Classical Medal. Went to Lincoln College, Oxford. 3rd Class Classics. Mods. M.A. 1873. Ordained Curate St. Paul’s Southampton 1870—1, C.F. 1871—84, Rector Lewcombe 1884-6. Deceased.

297. NICOLLE, PHILIP WINTER. Son of Joshua, Nicolle, Portland Place. Brother of 759, 760. Deceased.

298. DODD, SAMUEL WILLIAM. Son of G. R. Dodd, 3 Clarence Terrace. Brother of 664.

299. STEWART, HUGH. Son of Lady Stewart, Summerland House, Rouge Bouillon.

300. MESSERVY, EDWARD. Son of Mrs. G. Messervy, 9 Beresford Street. Brother of 92, 332, 684, 685, 1082, 1083, 1469. Left 1857. Tea. Merchant.

301. MAINWARING, JOHN POPHAM. Son of Lieutenant-Colonel Mainwaring, 104 Ashton Terrace, Rouge Bouillon. Brother of 929(?). Entered the Army (215i; Foot). Lieutenant 1861. Resigned 1862. Died 1863.

302. LE BOUTIL,LIER, PHILIP JOHN. Son of Mrs. Le Boutiliier, St. Peter’s .

303. LE CRONIER, JOHN. Son of Mrs. Le Cronier, 6 Cannon Street. Brother of 372.

304. GAUDIN, JOHN FRANCIS. Son of Mrs. Gaudin, Cattle Street. In business. Capt. RJ. Militia, 1880.

305. LE BRETON. PHILIP. Son of P. Le Breton, Mauflmt, St. Saviour’s.

306. ALLIX, GEORGE. Son of G. Allix, Pier House. Brother of 909. Left 1857. St. Servan College, France. Went to sea. Joined Pilot Service in 1873, then L.S.W.Ry.Co., becoming Commodore of their fleet. Retired from the sea 1907, and became Asst. Marine Superintendent at Southampton.

307. WILCOX, HENRY. Son of Col. Wilcox, 95 St. Saviour’s Road.

308. KEAYS, WILLIAM. Son of Mrs. Keays, 17 Elysian Terrace. Entered the Army. Lt.-Col. .Retired to Jersey and lived at 50 Don Road.


310. LECKY, HUGH. Son of Hugh Leaky, Eagle Terrace. Brother of 311, 312. J.P. Co. Antrim.

311. LECKY, GEORGE. Brother of 310, 312. Major Madras Staff Corps 1886. Col. Indian Army 1890. Retired.

312. LECKY, JOHN GAGE. Brother of 310, 311. Want to Sea. In service of G.W.R. Died 1911.

313. TURNER,ADOLPHUS HILGROVE. Left Easter 1856. Went to Christ Church Oxford. He was President of the Union, and took Honours in Law and History. Called to Jersey Bar. Received R.H.S‘s Silver Medal for saving life. Became H.M. Attomey-General 1899. Knighted 1911 (Coronation). Died Dec. 1911.


314. CANNING, PHILIPW. G. Son of P. Canning, 8 CattIe Street. Brother of 700, 755, 1035.

315. MESSERVY, GEORGE TOUZEL. Son of G. Messervy, Le Hocq. Brother of 705. Gained Halford, Mod. Lang. Senior French Medals and Queen ‘s History Prize. Left 1863. Entered Home Civil Service (Inland Revenue Office). Asst. Accountant- and Comptroller General 1905. Capt. Civil Service Rifles . 1874-2. Retired. Living at Ravenseliff, St. Brelade's.

316. DE FAYE, JOHN. Brother of 279. Deceased.

317. MOREIGHT, ALBERT F. H. Brother of 4, 572 (?)

318. BOOTH, GEORGE. Son of J. F. Booth, Elizabeth Cottage, St. Aubin’s Road.

319. DE VEULLE, FREDERICK. Brother of 342.

320. CLARKE, ROBERT LOWES. Son of T. W. Clarke, 3 Salvandy Terrace. Brother of 902. Left 1865. Gained Classical, Mathematical, Mod. Lang. and French Medals and Queen’s Exhibition. Open Scholar of Balliol College Oxford. 1st class in Classical Mods., Math. Mods and Lit. Hum. Gained Taylorian, Ireland, and Craven Scholarships and Gaisford Prize. Prox. Acc. for Hartford Scholarship. Fellow and Tutor of Queen’s College Oxford. Classical Moderator 1876—8. Ordained. Died 1888.

321 . BROUGH, W ILLIAM RICHARD CHARLES. Son of Dr. T. Brough. 6 Salvandy Terrace. Brother of 345. Entered the Army (Madras Artillery). Lt.-Col. 1884. Served in Afghan War 1879—90. Mentioned in despatches. Retired 1885.

322. BRIDGES, CHARLES HARLEY. Son of T. Bridges, 3 Marine Terrace. Previously at Elizabeth College, Guernsey. Entered Indian Army (15th Bengal NI.) Bengal N.I. 1864. Lt. Col. 1885, Rt. Col. 1889. Served in China War 1860, and against the Taiping rebels 1862 : on N.W. Frontier of India 1863 ; on Looshai Expedition 1871, and in Afghan War 1879—80. Retired 1891. J .P. for Devon. Died in 1900.

323. LE TEMPLIER, PHILIP JOHN. Son of P. Le Templier, Ann Street.

324. GOSSET, ISAAC HILGROVE. Son of P. Gosset, Bagot. Brother of 671.

325. TRUMAN, F RANK W. Son of W . C. Truman, Halkett Place.

326. PALMER, JOHN JAMES. Son of J. H. Palmer, Sans Souci.

327. ESNOUF, EDWARD MAUGER. Son of E. Esnouf, Esplanade.

328. SNODGRASS, JOHN. Son of Mrs. Snodgrass, 23 Temple Crescent. Brother of 715.

329. SARTORIUS, GEORGE CONRAD. Brother of 265, 266. Entered the Army (R.A.). Lt. 1857. Bombay S.C. 1864. D.A.Q.M.G. Bombay 1875. Lt.-Col. 1883. Bt. Col and CB. 1887. Served in Afghan War 1878—9 (despatchea) and Egyptian Expedition 1882—1. Present at battle of Teb and operations round Suakim. Gained Medal and Bronze Star Medjidie 2nd Class. Served in Burmese Expedition 1836-9 (despatches twice), gaining medal with 2 clasps. Was Colonel on Staff, Bombay 1894—5, Was Pasha in the Turkish army, and with Baker Pasha through most of RussoTurkish war of 1876. Also was a noted big game shot, and bagged the biggest bison over shot. Retired 1897. Died 1912.

330. HUNTER, CHARLES. Son of Mrs. Hunter, Cullenwood, Dublin.


331. LOCKHART-BANNISTER, HENRY. Son of H. L. Bannister,, Rocque Villa.

332. MESSERVY, ALFRED. Brother of 92, 300, 684, 685, 1082, 1083, 1469. Left 1865. Gained Classical, Mathematics, Modern Langauges and Gold French Medals, Channel Island Scholarship at Exeter College Oxford and Taylorian Scholarship. 1st Class. Mods. 3rd Liberal Humanites. Assistant-Master at Haileybury, Fettes and Derby. Rector R. College, Mauritius. Vice-President Diocesan Council Mauritius. Retired 1900.

333. BLANDY, WILLIAM POYNNTZ. Son of W. Blandy, Rozel. Entered Woolwich. Major RA. 1884. Inspector R. Laboratory Woolwich and I. of War Stores. Lt.-Col. 1891. Retired 1896. Lived at Ipswich.

334. OULESS, PHILIP DANIEL. Son of P. J. Ouless, 53 Paradise 7 Row. Brother of 688. Left 1861. Entered R.N. Employed on marine survey of GB. for 10 years. Commanded Admiralty yacht for 6 years. Staf Captain 1899. Retired 1901.

335. DE DOPFF, THEODORE. Son of Baron de Dopfl, Oak Trees Villa, La Coie. Left 1862. Gained Halford, Mod. Lang. and Math. Medals. Died young.

336. LE TEMPLIER, JOHN. Son of J. Le Templier, St. Clement’s. Brother of 337. Deceased.

337. LE TEMPLIER, PHILIP. Brother of 336. Deceased.

338. CHUBB, THOMAS TAYLOR. Brother of 295.

339. MIDDLETON, EMPSON EDWARD. Son of Mrs. Middleton, 18 Temple Crescent. Entered the Army (57th Foot). Lt. 1861. Retired 1865.

340. BOURDILLON, STAFFORD FAULKNER. Son of S. Bourdillon, Cheehunt. Christ’s College Camb. BA. Ordained. Comte of Itchen Abbas and W. Dean and E. Grinstead 1869-73. Chaplain on Bombay Establishment 1873-5. Curate E. Grinstead 1875-85. Rector Lockerley and E. Dean 1886-93 Rector E. Tytherley 1893.

341. PITCHER. HENRY WILLIAM. Brother of 204. Possibly entered the Army.

342. DE VEULLE, HENRY Mann. Brother of 319. Left 1862 and went to Canada. Returned to Jersey and became States Treasurer. Address, Boyne Terrace, Great Union Road.

343. TARDIF, GEORGE GUERIN. Son of C. P. Tardif, 14 Duhamel Place.

344. GALLOWAY, THOMAS. Son of Mrs. Galloway, Chelsea, Place, Don Road. Brother of 88 (?') or 88 re-entered).

345. BROUGH, JAMES FOX. Brother of 321. Gained Halford Medal. Entered the Army (R.A.). Served in Looshai Expeditions (1869—72), Afghan War (1878—9) and Zaila Field Force. Col. in 1894. Retired 1899.

346. PRIOR, HENRY ANDREW A. Son of General Prior, Dinan.

347. CLARK, MELBOURNE FRANCIS. Son of M. Clark, Mount- Rose Cottage. Brother of 348.

348. CLARK, JOHN. Brother of 347.

349. MAYHEW, THOMAS. Son of Rev. T. Mayhew, 34 Bath Street.

350. ERRINGTON, ROLAND. Son of Col. Errington. Left 1863. Went to Cheltenham and Exeter College Oxford. BA. 1870. Ordained. Curate of Stoke Pages, and Ringwood. Rector of Clewer 1880439. Vicar of Warden with Newbrough 1899-1905. Rector of E. Tisted, Alton 1905.

351. SKINNER, WILLIAM. Brother of 216.


352. EVANS, ERNEST THOMSON. Brother of 7, 146, 179, 281. Entered the Army (21st Foot).

353. GOULD, GEORGE SIDNEY. Son of ? Gould, Gas Works.

354. NOEL, GEORGE, c/o A. Ennis, 20 Charing Cross.

355. LE QUESNE, JOHN. Son of Mrs. J. Le Quesne, Mt. Alaba, St. Aubin’s.

356. STEVENS, CLIFFORD ARTHUR. Brother of 59, 75, 172, 357, 667, 848. Passed London Matriculation 1871. Teacher under Board. of Education, Auckland, NZ. and later under B. of E., N.S.W.. Returned to N .Z. 1895, and became tutor in Mathematics.

357. STEVENS, HERBERT AUGUSTUS Brother of 59, 75, 172, 356, 667, 848.

35S STANSMORE, HENRY. Son of J. Stansmoro, Gorey.

359. STOCK, EDWIN HENRY DOUGLAS. Son of Capt. St. George Stock, Claremont House. Brother of 804, 904. Afterwards at Bath College. Officer in R.Irish Constabulary. Resigned and travelled. Died 1887.

360. MOURANT, SAMUEL N. Son of J. Moment, St. John’s.

361. DYER, FREDERICK. Son of Mrs. Dyer, 6 Colomberie.

362. CAMPBELL, FINLAY. Son of Mrs. Campbell, 4 Claremont Terrace.

363. CAMPBELL, ALLEN. Brother of 362.

364. McELKENNEY, WILLIAM S. Son of McElkenney. The Arsenal. .

365. ROSS, GEORGE. Son of A. Ross, 3 Hautbois, St. Aubin’s Road.

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