Friday, 18 February 2022

Victoria College: The Register 1857

Notes on Transcription

This is a transcript from the old Victoria College register book. It has been made using a combination of OCR and corrections by hand - a lot were needed as the print of the book is an old style which does not readily convert with good accuracy.

This register was collated in book form by the writer (E.C. Cooper) contacting as many Old Victorians as he could and getting information as to their whereabouts, whether they had died (the book was published shortly after 1956), and their careers. Sometimes it is very sparse, sometimes, we have almost a "Who's Who" record of where they went and what they did.


366. DUMARESQ,DANIEL. Son of Mrs. Dumaresq, c/o Mrs. Le Quesne, Southoampton Place.

367. BISSON, JOHN. Son of J. Bisson, Old St. John’s Road.

368. HEATH, CHRISTOPHER HENRY EDMUND. Son of Rev. C. Heath, 12 Victoria. Crescent. Left. 1863. Gained Classical and Math. Medals, and Queen’s Exhibition. Scholar of Pembroke College. Oxford. 1st Math. Mods. 3rd Class. Mods, 1st. Math. Finals. Senior Mathematical and Johnson Univ. Scholarships. W hitworth Univ. Exhibition. Called to Bar at Lincoln’s Inn 1871. Practised in England and USA till 1894. Deceased.

369. KELLY, HENRY HOLDSWORTH. Son of Captain Kelly, Welton. Entered R.M. Artillery. Major 1881. Hon. Lt-Col. 1890. Retired 1895.

370. BISSON, CASIMIR. Son of Hyacinthe Bisson, 37 Ann Street.

371. SLACK, GEORGE A. Son of J. T. Slack, Bagot.

372. LE CRONIER, GEORGE FRANCIS. Brother of 303.

373. DE STE. CROIX, GAUTIER. Son of G. de Ste. Croix, Pied du Cotil, St. Helier. In business in London.

374. WOOD, JAMES. Son of Captain Wood, Blomfield House, Trinity. Brother of 375.

375. WOOD, CHARLES. Brother of 374.

376. DURELL, FRANCIS. Son of Amy Durell, Mont-au-Pretre.

377. SANDWITH, GEORGE HENRY. Son of Mrs. Sandwith, Clairvale Road.

378. NORTH, ROCHER CHARLES EDWARD. Son of Captain North, 16 Grosvenor Street. Entered Woolwich. Lt. Col. RA. 1895 Deceased.


380. TOKER, ALLISTON CHAMPION. Son of Mrs. Taker, 6 Terrace. Gained E.I. Cadetship 1860. Bengal Infantry and S.C.. Full Col. 1886. Major-General 1897. Served in the Bhootan Expedition 1865, Egyptian Expedition 1882 (present at Tel-el-Kebir), and the Burmese Expedition. ' Held several appointments in India. Twice mentioned in despatches. Gained medal and bronze star of Medjidjie and 4th class Osmanich. K.C.B. in 1896. Was a great Indian linguist. Col. 18th Infantry I.A. 1915 by Special appointment.


381. CLARKE, JOHN JAMES. Son of F. C. Clarke, 12 Commercial Buildings.

382. PERCHARD, EDWARD. Brother of 190.

383. SIMONET, WILLIAM. Son of F. Simonet, Radier, Grenville. Brother of 941.

384. GODFRAY, ROBERT. Son of F. Godfray, Bagatelle. Died 1858.

385. McILBREE, JOHN HENRY. Son of J. McIlbree, Oak Farm.

386. PAYN, THOMAS. Son of T. Payn, Franche Ville, Grenville. Went to Brazil and then Shanghai. Joined the staff of The Oriental Bank Corporation, and later the Bombay and Calcutta branches. Retired, but went back to India 1891—4. Elected Jurat 1900. O.B.E. Deceased.

387. FAUVEL, JAMES. Son of Mrs. Fauvel, Samarés Lane.

388. GOUGER, HENRY W. Son of Mrs. Gouger, Montserrat, St. Helier’s. Deceased.

389. LA GERCHE, JOHN. Son of J. Le C. La Gerche, St. Mary’s.

390. GIBSON, FREDERICK. Son of Captain Gibson, St. Peter’s.

391. SANDARS, CHARLES. Son of Mrs. Sandars, 76 St. John’s Road.


302. MALINS, J OHN. Son of Mrs. Malins, Trinity.

393.PAYN, JOHN. Son of P. Payn, St. Martin’s.

394. RUTHERFORD, W'ILLIAM ALBERT. Son of Mrs. Rutherford, 55 Pembroke Terrace. Entered Royal Marines. Lt. 1864. Resigned 1867.

395. HOLMES, WALTER. c/o Mrs. Rutherford.

396. FRASER, ARCHIBALD. Son of Captain Fraser, 27 St. Saviours Road. Brother of 419.

397. MESSITER, MURRAY DYNE. Son of Captain Messiter, 8 Aubin Place. Entered the Army. Ensign 53nd Rgt. 1863. Left the army in 1878.

398. SHARKEY, EDMUND E. Son of Dr. Sharkey, Bellinasloe, Ireland. Entered I.C.S.. Asst. Collector and Magistrate at Kanara in 1879.

399. LE FEBVRE, EEDWIN GEORGE. Son of M. Le Febvre, Rio de Janeiro. Went out, to Brazil.

400. TURNER, GEORGE HASTINGS. Son of Rev. G. F. Turner, Bury St. Edmund’s. Lb. R.E. Killed in a gun accident at Seknee, Bombay 1872.

401. MACLEANE, GEORGE. Son of Sir G. Macleane. West Hill

402. MORRIS, WILLIAM. Son of Mrs. Morris, 1, Marine Terrace. Brother of 403, 430, 464.

403. MORRIS, CHARLES. Brother of 402, 430, 464. Was in business in London. Died 1891.

404-. ARTHUR, PHILIP. Son of P. Arthur, Longueville Manor. Deceased.

405. HART, CHARLES WILLIAM. Son of Mrs. Hart, Chestnut Cottage St. John's Road. Brother of 406. Deceased.

406. HART, EUGENE JOHN. Brother of 405. Went to Guy’s Hospital. M.R.C.S. and M.D. (Durham). Practised at Hove.

407. AUBIN, ALFRED J. Son of John Aubin, St. Clement’s. Entered the Channel Islands Bank in. 1861, becoming Manager in 1888. W hen the Bank was amalgamated with the London City and Midland Bank, he became manager of the Channel Islands Branch. He was also chairman of the Jersey Gas Light Co. and a director of the Ladies’ College. He was Captain in the 2nd R.J. Militia. Address 2 Belle Vue, King’s Cliff. Died 1930.

408. DE STE. CROIX, AARON. Son of J. de Ste. Croix, 5 St. Mark’s Crescent. Deceased.

409. HALL, GEORGE. Brother of 178.

410. SMALE, EDWARD. Son of H. Smale, Ashurst Lodge, Tunbridge Wells.

411. COLE, WILLIAM HENRY. Son of J. Cole, Craig Cottage, St. Saviour‘s. Brother of 448, 471. Went to sea for two years; then emigrated to Brisbane and Sydney. Master of All Saints C. of E. School, Petersham, N .S.W ., 1886—7 ; previously in change of a private commercial school. After 1887 lived at Sydney.

412. DE STE. CROIX, CHARLES. Son of C. de Ste. Croix, La Coie House. Deceased.

413. BROUGH, RICHARD. Son of Mrs. Brough, 6 St. Mark’s Crescent.

414. DE FAYE, JAMES THOMAS. 8011 of T. De Faye, York Street.

415. PARKINSON, JOHN RICHMOND. Son of Captain Parkinson, Claremont Court. Brother of 416.

416. PARKINSON, LEONARD. Brother of 415.

417. HENDERSON, DOUGLAS EDMOND. Son of Captain Henderson, R.E., Freemantle, W.A.


418. LE BRETON, MAURICE Brother of 30,189,239 and 674.Deceased.

419. FRASER, WILLIAM. Brother of 396.

420. TOUZEL, PERCIVAL. Son of Lt.-Col. Touzel, Casa Marina, St. Clement’s. Deceased.

421. HEMMING, J GEN. Son of Mrs. Hemming, Pier Road.

422. AHIER, JOHN WOODFORD, Son of CB. Ahier, 61 St . Saviour’s Rd.

423. LE GALLAIS, JOHN. Son of J. Le Gallais, St. John's.

424. GAVEY, JOHN. Son of Mrs. Gavey, 11, Hope Street. Left 1858. Electrical Engineer. Served with Electric International Co. When telegraphs were transferred to the State, became Superintendent S.E. subdivision 1870, and Superintending Engineer, S.Wales district, 1878. Chief Technical Officer G.P.O. 1892. Assistant Engineer-in-Chief and Electrician in RC. 1899. CB. 1903. Knighted 1907.

M.I.C.E. Engineer-in-Chief and Electrician 1902—7. President Institution Electrical Engineers. Lived at Hampton Wick on retirement. Died 1923.

425. PAISNEL, FRANCIS. Son of Mr Paisnel, St. Clement’s.

426. KNIGHT, GEORGE. Son of Mrs. Knight, Loupland House, Trinity Road. Brother of 459.

427. LANG, JAMES WOOLCOTT. Son of Captain S. Lang, 5 Waverley Terrace. Brother of 428. Entered Army. Retired from Lincoln R t. 1887.

428. LANG, JOHN DASHWOOD. Brother of 427.

429. BEAUCAMP, BENJAMIN. Son of Mr ? Beaucamp, 19 Sand Street.

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