Tuesday, 29 November 2022

The Great Election Victory Conspiracy

Our parish magazine recently ran a "review of the year", a precis of various stories which occurred during the year, which had that in it. I  wrote the precis, basically taking the text of various stories and whittling it down to fit the word count When the Parish Magazine came out (today), I then received the following message by Deputy Moz Scott:

"Dear Tony. Thank you for your work on La Baguette. The difference may have only been one vote but I think this might have been worded to reflect polling order of the Deputies! Kind Regards. Moz"

Now there is a real point to follow up, and I wondered why I had the Deputies in this order. So I looked back at the September edition of the magazine and found this written about the elections


I could see at once what happened. In cutting down the words to fit - and remember this is a review of the entire year to September, not just the elections, I had removed the vote count, and clearly left the order the same. My method of doing the precis was to cut and past articles, end up with far too many words, and then go through each section cutting it down.

I mentioned this to Moz, saying I was pleased a perfectly rational explanation existed for the order in the precis, rather pleased for having solved the conundrum.

Whereupon she replied "I am unconvinced of an absence of bias in reporting and editing."

There's really nothing one can say to a conspiracy theorist to get them to give up their beliefs, so I finished by saying:

"Well, behind the scenes we do confer with the Secret order of the Illuminati, you know!"

And that dear reader, is where we must leave "The Great Election Victory Conspiracy".

Personally in these days of rising costs of living, difficulties in finding housing, deciding where a new hospital should be built, etc etc, I find the whole matter rather extraordinary to make such a fuss about. 


Moz has since written: "I can see that’s as much as you and the reporter understand about order. I’ll send you both over an abacus if you like."

I think it's time to award her the Fussbudget of the Year Award!

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