Saturday, 24 December 2022


This is a sequel, part four of four, of the poem cycle that I began earlier

It's a continuation of a non-traditional advent, evoking the spirit of the Magi. This poem evokes the encounter with King Herod and Rome, encounters with naked, violent, and war like power. The imagery may well evoke Ukraine suffering under the ambitions of the Russian President Putin. That is deliberate. But it is also the universal history of mankind, of war and death, and poverty, and the tragedies that touch us and our community.


Over the dark streets in the city
Fates are spinning silver thread
Possible futures, the if and maybe
Poor in doorways for a bed
The weather freezing, not all mild
As midwife awaiting now a child

Jupiter greets Saturn in the heavens
Signs there high for one and all
Signs there for a world unstable
Signs for when a world may fall
Streets of poor, and mean, and lowly,
Awaiting shining stars so holy.

Famine and war blighting childhood
Dictators call all to obey
Burdens great, so heavy laden
Homelessness, no place to lay
How can we live, how should we be?
Thread of goodness that we see

Fates are spinning their new pattern
Day by day, by thread it grew
We are so weak and helpless,
Tears for all who died we knew
And for others so much sadness
Where will we find hope and gladness?

The music of the spheres, a hymn
Of giving, generosity and love
Nothing is truly accidental
Singing praise in heaven above
Come now, come now, come on
For kindness never truly gone

We may live in world unstable
Where so many fall and die
Yet rise on wings, to highest heaven
Joy breaks the darkness upon high
Where like stars all shining crowned
All in white shall wait around.

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