Friday, 17 February 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - February 1953 Part 1


By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

February 1953 Part 1

3.—States: The preamble of the Control of Public Service Bill, presented by the Civil Service Board, was adopted ; a statement on the marketing of the potato crop was made by the president of the Committee of Agriculture. The appeal for clothing and bedding for relief of the East Anglia flood disaster victims brings an. Immediate response, the first pantechnicom of gifts being despatched the same day ; a fund was also opened at “ The Evening Post ” offices.

4.—Annual general meeting of the Jersey Cage Bird Society, it being decided that poultry classes be discontinued.

5.—States: The Control of Public Service Bill was adopted but lodged au Greffe with amendments; a contribution to the Lord Mayor of London’s Flood Relief Fund was agreed to in principle.

6.—The Island makes magnificent response to the Flood Distress Fund, more than £3,000 being received at “ The Evening Post ” offices in three days ; more than 30 tons of clothing and bedding were also shipped from the Island during the same period. Underwater fishing club formed, the inaugural meeting being held at the Chamber of Commerce.

7.—St. Saviour’s first municipal ball held at West Park Pavilion.

10.—States : The House discusses the powers of the Beautés Naturelles Committee, the debate being adjourned: civil servants’ sick pay and insurance benefits were also discussed; it was announced that-23 tickets to view the Coronation had been allotted to the Island ; a Bill to empower the Petty Debts Court to make orders in respect of the separation of married couples and the legal custody of children was adopted. Westerly gale strikes the Island, the incoming mailboat being two hours late. Total of the Flood Disaster Fund reaches £6,979—Island Players present “ Dark Victory" at Springfield. Jersey Musical Union annual meeting. Annual meeting of Jersey Maternity and Infant Welfare Centre.

12.—States : Deputy Troy's resolution regarding the powers of the Beautes Naturelles Committee carried by-25 votes to .23, and the Committee deferred their decision until the next sitting. St. Peter’s ecclesiastical assembly discusses tree felling, the report on same being adopted ; at the parochial assembly Mr. J. C. Vautier was appointed registrar.

14.—Netherlands Air Force Dakota attempts landing at Airport in snowstorm to pick up consignment of clothing for Dutch flood Victims but is forced to fly back; the Flood Disaster Fund to date totals: 
£9,346 45.

16.—New classrooms opened at Victoria College, the new de Carteret Building being named by the Bailiff. Skal Club of Jersey hold ladies’ night dinner, Sir Alexander and Lady Coutanche being the principal guests. College Preparatory cross-country races, new senior and junior records being set up.

17.—States: The National Service Bill came before the House today and was defeated by 25-23 ; Senator Collas, sponsor of the Bill, thereupon- resigned as did the members of the Defence Committee;

Deputy Hettich, president of the Beautés Naturelles Committee, also announced the resignation of his Committee following their defeat at the previous sitting and Deputy Baal was asked to form a new Committee ; the House also debated compensation awards made by the Committee of Agriculture in regard to foot-and-mouth disease outbreaks and these were upheld. The Flood Fund total passes the £10,000 mark, being now £10,192.

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