Friday, 28 April 2023

Beltane Remembered

As we approach May 1st, the ancient festival of Beltane, a look back at the customs, and the role fire has played for good and ill in our history.

Beltane Remembered

Fire! On our small island, they came:
Sought out those they were to blame,
Burnt as witches, heretics, an evil day,
And so far strayed from the old way;
But I remember how it was, long before,
Opening in my memory a door;
And let me take you back, far back,
Along an old time’s ancient track:
The fire, burning bright, not in fear,
But to celebrate all so very dear;
The May festivity, the joy, the songs:
Come one, come all, such merry throngs;
With eggs, butter, oatmeal, milk, we make
The caudle ready for the fire to bake;
Some poured out for spirits of place,
That they may bless us with their grace;
And bless the lambs, and bless the seed,
And pass the cup, and drink the mead;
And gather round the fire to dance,
And stories tell, to so entrance;
Gather primrose, rowan, hawthorn,
Our doors and windows to adorn;
The Beltane Queen upon the horse,
Wears a crown adorned with gorse;
Ride from the town to the holy well,
Call for fey folk to make all well;
Until Beltane ends, the day now done,
As we watch the setting of the sun;
Night comes, the embers glowing red,
Beltane blessings, and time for bed.

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