Thursday, 25 May 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - May 1953 Part 2

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - May 1953 Part 2

16.—Before the Full Court to-day, Peter Trevor Shipley Fowler, charged with theft and conversion, is sentenced to two years’ imprisonment. Crowd of 3,000 spectators see Lincoln City defeat the Saturday Football League- 1-0 at Springfield.

17.—Open-air service held at Springfield in connection with Empire Youth Sunday, His Excellency taking the salute.

19.—Special sitting of States discusses the electricity report, there being strong criticism of the company’s administration; eventually an amendment by Deputy C. Le Marquand charging the Finance Committee to review the present composition of the board of directors was carried by 39 votes to 9; it was announced that the Coronation Gardens at Millbrook would be handed over to the Island together with a sum of £7,500 for its maintenance; the Finance Committee replied to the recent petition of the Electrical Traders’ Association ; a number of questions on the drainage scheme were put and answered and a number of minor matters dealt with or lodged. Inquest opened and adjourned for further inquiries on the skeleton found on the Cotil a Geon, St. Peter’s, believed to be that of a French farm labourer missing since September 14th, 1946.

21—Island spring cattle show held at Springfield. Mr. J. C. Du Feu's aged cow Victor’s Desdemona winning the senior championship : in the evening the annual R.J.A. and HS. dinner was held at the Merton Hotel.

23.—Before the Full Court today Mr. P. A. H. Valpy was sworn in as advocate. Honfleur A.B.C. beat St. Helier boxers in tournament at Springfield which was marred by many delays.

24.—The first visiting band of the season, the famous Black Dyke Mills, gives opening performances over the week-end at Government House, Howard Davis Park and The Parade.

25.—Ideal weather attends the holiday, beaches and parks being crowded ; 3,309 passengers arrived by air over the three days Saturday to Monday while 1,500 came by sea; the J.M.C. and L.C.C. staged a hill climb at Bouley Bay ; a number of motoring accidents were recorded, one of a serious nature; a busy week-end was experienced on the potato market, supply and demand both being good.

26.—Victoria College Cadet Force ceremonial parade held at College Field, His Excellency inspecting the contingent. Serious motor cycling accident near Rozel Manor, a mother and three young children being run into by the motor cyclist, the mother and one child was injured, the others suffering from shock.

27.—Les Creux Cottage, a bungalow overlooking St. Brelade’s Bay, gutted by fire in the absence of its occupants.

30.—Jersey Chamber of Commerce annual general meeting, it being announced that expenditure exceeded income in a heavy year.

31.—Annual race to the Minquiers for cruising yachts, Girl Joyce winning the event.

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