Wednesday, 5 July 2023

What is a Skipper?.

What is a Skipper?.

With acknowledgements to "Coastguard”.

A skipper is a ‘gentle. reasonable and loving husband, father or friend who turns into a raving demon when overtaken by a hire boat.

A skipper calls his wife "Darling" from Monday to Friday and "you blithering idiot" on Saturday and Sunday, except on holiday cruises when he probably doesn't speak to her at all.

A skipper honestly believes that his wife/girl friend can lasso a bollard 30ft away with a 25ft line.

A skipper is courteous to all other water users - except hire craft, rowing eights, sailing dinghies, children on lilos, members of rival yacht clubs.....

A skipper likes the simple life, he never moors near supermarkets, shops or stores. hairdressers or post offices.

A skipper likes the quiet life, he frequently moors by a riverside pub which disgorges its entire population, including him, at 11.p.m., telling raucous stories and leaping over mooring lines.

A skipper is tolerant. He tries to understand why there is no fresh food, no stamp for his postcards, why his wife's hair looks a mess, why she gives him a filthy look instead of an aspirin for his headache.

A skipper doesn't think, he knows. His crew doesn't think he knows either.

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