Saturday, 26 August 2023

Grail Seeker

It is around a year since my friend Joy Oxenden died, and this piece was penned as a tribute to her.

Grail Seeker

We are the Grail Seekers, on the sacred Quest
From Cathay in the East, to Logres in the West;
The Cup of the Goddess, the Sacred Vessel,
Or by its more common name, the Holy Grail.
It has had many names, over so many years:
A tale of joy and sorrow, gladness and tears;
And our friend, Joy, also walked this road:
Grail seeker, whose rituals in her abode,
Inspired, and enlightened, in candle light,
Glimpses of another world within our sight,
As we walked the circle, quaffed the mead
From chalice, at the heart of sacred deed;
And our friend, Joy, helped show the way,
And made sure we were not lead astray;
There is nothing in the dark, have no fear:
Seeking the sign of hope, and not despair;
The star dust from which we came to birth,
The glade within the forest, the good earth;
We all come seeking, that chalice of delight:
The wonder of the stars shining in the night;
And our friend, Joy, passed beyond the veil,
The grey havens, a final journey to set sail;
May the clouds dispel, the stars shine bright,
For all the grail seekers following that light

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