Saturday, 23 September 2023

Hougue de Vinde

A circular rubble wall 9m in diameter that has been badly damaged. Contained within was a ring of flat stones set on edge forming a circle of 6.7m in diameter. There was no evidence of a cist but the presence of stone rubbers, polishers and work flints found during excavations in 1881 and 1913 suggest a late Neolithic or Chalcolithic date. Location: In amongst trees east of Le Chemin de Noirmont.

Hougue de Vinde

The headland, and earth and stone
Piled up here, but not a bone:
For this is no funeral place,
But instead a look-out place,
Over the cliffs, and out to sea:
Warning for invasion, not to flee,
But to light a beacon, a warning
Between the dusk and morning;
And so the watchers sit and wait,
Wondering of the fickle fate
That the gods may someday bring:
Of waves breaking on rocks, they sing,
And pound the drum, on goes a beat;
These are brave warriors, no defeat
Will they suffer, but fight to the last;
But shadows of men fade to the past,
And trees grow, and hide the stone,
Just empty now, just all alone.

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