Friday, 15 September 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - September 1953 Part 2

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - September 1953 Part 2

16. Gracie Fields flies to Jersey and is given big ovation at the Airport; on Thursday she appeared at a. midnight matinee concert given at The Forum in aid of the Battle of Britain Week, being acclaimed by the large audience. Mr. H. Ahier re-elected Constable of St. Martin.

17. Cardinal Griffin- the guest of honour at banquet given by the Roman Catholic clergy at the Merton Hotel. Hearing opens before the International Court of Justice at The Hague of the Minquiers-Ecréhous dispute, the British delegation being headed by Sir Lionel Heald (Britain's Attorney-General) and Mr. Cecil Harrison (Attorney-General for Jersey). In the final- of the CI Amateur (Close) Golf Championship, played at Grouville, D. Lowe (Guernsey) beat A. A. Collet (Jersey) by 6 and 5. Jersey Island Players present “ Dark Return ” at Springfield Theatre.

19, Bailiff of Jersey opens 18th Century Market in the Royal Square, held in connection with Battle of Britain Week, Miss Gracie Fields and her husband being interested spectators.

20.—Rally of Roman Catholics held at The Forum addressed by Cardinal Griffin. Battle of Britain Week concludes with service at St. Luke’s Church and commemoration ceremony in Garden of Remembrance.

21. Gale force winds with heavy rain squalls disrupts sea and air services. Huge seas pounding the coasts. Retirement presentation of radio set made to Mr. D. S. Simpson: M.A., B.Sc., Director of the States Experimental Farm, Trinity, for 33 years.

22,—Damage estimated at. £1,000 caused by outbreak of fire at Mr. C. L. Till’s butcher‘s establishment in the New Market during the early hours. St. Helier parish assembly discusses road widening plans, all being adopted. Framed photography of Jurat W. J. J. Collas, .D.S.O., unveiled at Police Force headquarters. Annual general meeting of Jersey Folk Dance Society.

23.—Sitting of Licensing Assembly, two licences being refused. Daylight boat St. Helier arrives in harbour 13 hours behind schedule due to the heavy gale. Rotarians hear address given by Sir John Wardlaw-Milne. HM. Attomey-General for Jersey, Mr. C. S. Harrison, commences his address on the Minquiers-Ecréhous dispute :before The Hague International Court.

24 —St. Peter’s parish assembly fixes rate at 2/— (no change). New local class record set up at Bouley Bay hill climb.

25.—-Inquest held on the body of Mr. L. A. Bryant, a visitor who collapsed while bathing at Gréve de Lecq, a verdict of death from drowning being returned. Judgment reserved in the case Convent F.C.J. v. the Public Health Committee heard before the Royal Court. Waterspout seen off Corbiére, this being followed by a cloudburst in the district.

26,—Arrival of the Rt. Rev. A. T. P. Williams, Lord Bishop of Winchester, on a first visit to the Island since his appointment to the see.

28.—Annual dinner of Jersey Rifle Association.

29.—Representative gathering of Island churchmen and women meet at West Park Pavilion to hear address by Dr. Williams, Bishop of Winchester.

30.—St. Saviour’s parish rate- fixed as last year, i.e., 2/3 per qtr. Inquest opened on the body of Mr. Pierre Gautier (79), who died following an operation for cataract at the General Hospital, a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence being subsequently returned. Conclusion of the French case in the Minquiers—Ecréhous dispute before the International Court at The Hague.

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