Friday, 27 October 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - October 1953 Part 2

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - October 1953 Part 2

19. Two road accidents, one with fatal consequence occur shortly after midnight on Saturday and within half a mile of each other- the first involving a young French motor cyclist, M. Yyes Moisan, who sustained fatal injuries when he crashed head-on into a car near Court Drive, Bel Royal; in the second instance a motorist crashed into a saloon near Victoria House, Victoria Avenue, the occupants of which, four French farm workers, received injuries of varying degrees; at the subsequent inquest held on the body of the motor cyclist a verdict of accidental death was recorded.

21. -Trafalgar Day Ball held at West Park Pavilion, His Excellency the Lt.-Governor and the Bailiff attending.

22.-Jersey Drag Hunt and Chase Club hold opening meet of the season at St. Ouen’s. Autumn field day of Victoria College C.C.F. at Les Blanches Banques.

23—His Excellency the Lt.-Governor attends El Alamein Ball at West Park Pavilion, organized by the local branch of the Royal Artillery Association.

24. Annual general meeting of Jersey Farmers’ Co-operative, a {successful year’s working being revealed

25. Eisteddfod dedication service held at St. Saviour’s Parish Church, a large congregation. Attending. A special service for sportsmen, the first of its kind for many years, held at St. Matthew’s Church, Millbrook.

26. Opening session of the Eisteddfod at Springfield Theatre, this being for pianoforte playing.

27. Special sitting of States: The Vote for the construction of an annexe for Elizabeth House was approved; a long discussion ensued on the purchase of the former Lt.-Governor’s bungalow at St. Ouen’s Bay, which was eventually agreed to ; a protest from Roman 'Catholics alleging discourteous treatment by the Public Instruction Committee was read and referred to the Committee; a letter from the Jersey Communist Party re shortage of water at States housing estates was also referred to the appropriate Committee; a petition alleging injustice against the States presented by Mr. J. R. Starck was rejected ; the Act-Report on the Troglodyte housing scheme was withdrawn, as was also the one on wage-fixing machinery in agriculture ; an Act authorizing the sale by auction of Corbiére Pavilion Hotel was adopted and various other Reports and Acts adopted or lodged.

28. Lady Gresham Nicholson opens Arts and Crafts section of :Eisteddfod in the lower hall at Springfield.

29. Trinity parish rate remains at 2/4 per qtr. despite a £1,500 deficit in. the balance sheet. Annual meeting of Jersey branch of the British Legion, His Excellency the Lt.-Governor accepting patronage.

30.—Two inquests held at the General: Hospital, the first being that on the body of Mr. C. E. Regnault, victim of a recent burning accident at St. Martin’s, a verdict in accordance with medical evidence being recorded ; and on the body of Mr. P. M. Carry and which was adjourned for the Official Analyst’s report. Dr. Alain Bombard gives account of his dramatic voyage across the Atlantic in a rubber dinghy to members of Les Amitiés Franco-Britanniques; on the Saturday he spoke to 1,500 children at The Forum and in the evening to members of the Royal Channel. Islands and St. Helier yacht clubs. Final session of vocal and instrumental section of Eisteddfod held at Springfield. Local branch of Royal Empire Society hear address given by former Governor and Commander-in- Chief of Uganda. ,

31. Large attendance at “La Sethée Jerriaise ” at Springfield, St. Saviour’s winning “Les Enfuntchis ” Cup after a lapse of four years.

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