Friday, 17 November 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - November 1953 Part 1

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - November 1953 Part 1

1.—St. James's Boys’ Brigade hold’church parade in celebration of golden jubilee. a dinner being held on the Tuesday at which His Excellency and the Bailiff attended.

2.—Assizes : Raymond Critolph (22) and Peter Lorimer (28), both natives of Scotland, charged with the robbery of a. safe containing nearly £200 from Drivehire office in Broad Street, and with car “ borrowing ”; the case continued on the Tuesday, when the accused were found guilty, Critolph receiving 18 months’ hard labour and Lorrimer 15 months. Mishap to the Channel Coast at Ronez, a wire hawser fouling her propeller ; the States tug took the vessel in tow to Gorey Harbour, where the work of clearing the propeller was commensed, the vessel returning to Ronez the following day. First presentation of one-act plays at Eisteddfod.

4,—Society of Jersey Gardeners stage Chrysanthemum show at Springfield Lower Hall, many fine exhibits being on show.

7.—Elocutionary sessions of the Eisteddfod conclude at Springfield.

8.—Remembrance Sunday commemorated with the annual service at the Cenotaph.

9.—Hearing of blackmail charge opens at the Police Court when a 64 year-old man, Ernest William Cattell, is accused by Margaret Vasse (22), presented on a charge of embezzlement, with extorting sums of money from her by threats. Annual Festival of Remembrance by the British Legion held at The Forum. Dancing sessions of the Eisteddfod commence at Springfield. First shipment of live pigs to England for the Ministry of Food, 125 being shipped.

10.—Verdict of death from natural causes recorded at resumed inquest on the body of Mr. Peter Carry, the report of the official analyst proving negative.

11—Final contests of dancing sessions of Eisteddfod. His Excellency installed as honorary Rotarian at luncheon held at The Forum Café.

12.—First of the Eisteddfod festival concerts at Springfield. Jersey Dog Club hold sanction show at Mr. L. Bazire’s store.

13.—Shocking motor cycling tragedy occurs at Millbrook shortly after midnight, a young motor cyclist, Charles M. Amy (20) and his pillion passenger, Doreen Alma Marcel (19) being killed when the machine struck the kerb and crashed into a Wall. At the subsequent inquest a verdict of accidental death was returned, there being no evidence of excessive speed. Second festival concert of Eisteddfod, His Excellency the Lt.Govenor presenting the senior awards. Lady Nicholson presents Queen’s Guide Badges to two members of 1st Jersey (College) Company of Girl Guides. Jersey Debating Club motion “That an armed Germany is essential to Western defence “ carried by overwhelming majority.

14.—His Excellency takes part in practice run of Jersey life-boat Elizabeth Rippon. Final Eisteddfod concert at Springfield. Cow savaged by dog at St. Peter, the unfortunate animal having to be slaughtered. Annual dinner and prize giving of Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club.

15.—Old Boys of The Beeches and of St. Paul’s hold memorial services in honour of the fallen. New Era Cinema broken into during the afternoon, this following an entry into The Odeon on Friday night; in both cases the would-be thieves escaped.

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