Friday, 24 November 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - November 1953 Part 2

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - November 1953 Part 2

17.—The International Court at The Hague gives judgment in the Minquiers—Ecréhous case, the judges deciding unanimously that sovereignty over the islets belonged exclusively to the United Kingdom.

18. —Inner Wheel charter anniversary dinner, the Lieut.-Governor and the Bailiff being guests. .

19.—Annual dinner of Jersey Civil Service Association.

20.—Annual dinner of United Services Club, His Excellency becoming an honorary president. -

21.-—At today’s sitting of the Royal Court, Frederick Sleigh Roberts (38), of North Wales, described as an habitual criminal, was sentenced to 12 months’ hard labour for obtaining £222 by means of a forged cheque. Thick fog over the Island causes cancellation of all air services.

23.—Annual dinner of Old Victorians’ Association held at College Hall. Jersey Blind Society annual meeting at West Park Pavilion.

24.—His Excellency and Lady Nicholson pay official visit to the States Experimental Farm and later pay visit to a farm to see cider-making in progress.

25.—-Fourth Jersey Trades Exhibition at Springfield oflicially opened by His Excellency the Lieut-Governor.'

26. The States: Estimates for 1954 presented, these showing an estimated increase in revenue of £54,000 and an estimated. Decrease in expenditure of £57,000 ; this year’s surplus is listed as £350,000 ; before the Estimates were taken tributes were paid to H.M. Attorney-General for his part in the successful outcome of the Minquiers—Ecréhous case at The Hague and a resolution to this eflect passed unanimously; pertinent questions on the salary of the Public Health Engineer were asked and answered; milk subsidy figures were substantially reduced. St. Helier Yacht Club annual dinner.

27. Debate on the Estimates concluded : The Housing Committee’s request for £150,000 and the Public Works item of £22,000 for fluorescent lighting along Victoria Avenue were deleted and the

Estimates finally adopted; the House then sat in camera, when a new States Treasurer was appointed, he being Mr. F. N. Padgham. Jersey’s traffic problems discussed by Debating Club.

28.—Before the Royal Court, sentence on Margaret Mary Vasse, charged with embezzlement, was deferred, whilst Ernest Wm. Cattell, charged with blackmail of the former accused, pleaded not guilty and was sent for trial before the January Assizes. Thieve raid stall at Trades Exhibition, articles of men’s wear being taken. Annual dinner of Jersey Swimming Club. Talk on religious teaching in schools given by Mr. A.C. F. Beales, of London University, at The Playhouse. Annual general meeting of Women’s Section of British Legion, Lady Nicholson becoming patroness.

30 Afternoon sitting of States, the greater part being taken up with housing and civil defence; the proposal to lend money to owners of property for repairs and alterations was withdrawn for the time being and an Act authorizing the Committee to build six terraced houses on Victoria Road site adopted. Quarter finals of the World Professional Match-play Snooker Championship between Walter Donaldson and; Kingsley Kennerley opens at J.B.A. headquarters.

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