Friday, 22 December 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - December 1953 Part 1

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - December 1953 Part 1

1.—The long running Rosehill case (Messrs. J. W. Huelin Ltd, v. The Harbours Committee) re-opens before the Royal Court. Annual dinner of Island Centeniers, an innovation being the presence of ladies. Jersey Amateur Dramatic Club presents “ The Blue Goose ” at The Playhouse. His Excellency the Lt.-Governor makes first of two official tours of the harbours.

2.—Annual two-day winter exhibition of Jersey Cage Bird Society opens at Springfield.

6.—Warmest December day since records were kept 59 years ago, the shade reading being 60.6 degrees Fahrenheit.' [15.9C]

7.-—Outbreak of fire at Messrs. A. Amy and Son Ltd, 1 Queen Street, held in check by extinguishers pending arrival of the Brigade. An unoccupied cottage at Bel Royal Vineries, St. Peter’s Valley, gutted by fire. Jersey Teachers' Association diamond jubilee celebrated with a luncheon at which the N .U.T. general secretary was a guest. “ Satellite Story,” by the local playwright Anthony Booth, presented. at Springfield Theatre.

8.—St. Helier parish assembly recommends licences and decides that the painting in the Town Hall, “La Repasseuse,” by the French painter David, be sent to London for expert attention.

10. -Ceremony at Government Office, La Collette, medals being presented by His Excellency to four recipients. Mr. Basil Henriques C.B.E., London magistrate, speaks on youth clubs at reception by the Council of the Jersey Youth Movement at the Ritz Hotel. Rosehill case concludes before the Royal Court after nine-day hearing, judgment being reserved. Jersey College for Girls’ speech day and prize-giving

11.-—St. Clement’s parish meeting, the rate remaining unaltered at 1/6 after a suggestion by the Constable for an increase to 1/9. Dr. E. P. Marett re-elected president of the Jersey Dog Club, there being opposition for the first time for many years.

12.—Before the Full Court, David Halstead (32), a native of Lancashire, sentenced to 18 months’ hard labour for fraudulently obtaining sums of money from a “ Miss X.”. Annual general meeting of the R.J.A. and HS, Mr. Frs. Le Boutillier being elected president, defeating Capt. R. J. B. Bolitho by 168 votes to 130 ; Mr. Le Boutillier announced he would resign the vice-presidency of the States Committee of Agriculture. Weight-lifting contest between Jersey and French teams staged at The Playhouse.

13.—Two 500-year old skeletons found during reconstruction work on premises at 6 Bond Street, formerly the site of the Chapelle de la Madeleine.

15.——The 600 ton mv Brockley Combe, on passage from Guernsey to this Island, strikes rock off the Minquiers during the early hours, the maroons going off about 3.20 am and the St. Helier life-boat and States tender putting to sea immediately; the lifeboat bringing the crew reached St. Helier shortly before 1 pm. and the vessel became a total loss.

16.—-Christmas concert presented by the States Evening Institute choir at Jersey College for Girls.

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