Friday, 29 December 2023

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - December 1953 Part 2

By a curious coincidence of dates, the coronation year 2023 will be 70 years after the coronation date in 1953. I thought it would be of interest to look back during this year of some of the events taking place before, during and after the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Coronation Year 70 Years Ago - December 1953 Part 2

17.—Judgment given in the Rosehill case, which had occupied the attention of the Royal Court for nine days, this being in favour of the Harbours and Airport Committee. Rotary Club Christmas tree officially lighted in the Royal Square. Victoria College Dramatic Society presents “ Much Ado About Nothing” at College Hall as their Christmas play.

19.—Spectacular crash on Beaumont Hill when an ambulance proceeding to the scene of an accident bursts a tyre and crashes through granite wall into a meadow 10ft. below, the driver and bearer having remarkable escapes from serious injury.

20.—Official opening of new Catholic church at Gorey.

21—Inquest held on the body of Mrs. O. M. Dumosch found dead at her home, a verdict of death from alcoholic poisoning being recorded.

25.-—Christmas Day celebrated in the traditional manner, the weather being mild and dull. An outbreak of fire occurred at La Vallette Farm, St. Lawrence, severe damage to a cottage being caused.

26. Jersey Drag Hunt hold all-day meet, this being the longest for 50 years. Inquest held on the body of Denis Crenin, an Irish farm workerwhose body was found in Dannemarche Reservoir, the inquest being adjourned sine die. Jersey Green Room Club pantomime “Humpty Dumpty ” opens at The Forum.

28.—Two further inquests held, that on the body of Mrs. S. A. Nelson, a patient at St. Saviour's Hospital, who died following a fall from bed and in which a verdict in accordance with medical evidence was returned ; and on the body of Mrs. D. O. Gem, found hanging from a tree near Sunnyside, Longueville, a verdict of suicide being recorded.

29.—Presentations made to Mr. A. Manger, retiring Markets Inspector, by stallholders.

30.—For the first time for 50 years a shipment of cattle is made to Sweden, bacon pigs being imported in exchange.

31—Presentations made to Mr. G. Le Cornu, circulation manager of “ The Evening Post," retiring after 52 years' service.

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