Friday, 1 December 2023

The Jersey Motor Cycle & Light Car Club Annual Dinner in the 1970s

From the early 1970s, Jersey Illustrated had this report on “The Jersey Motor Cycle & Light Car Club”. And afterwards, a few vintage adverts from the same magazine. A sign of the times is the Voisins one - a fur coat from real fur. You can also see some (nowadays) rather old fashioned looking heaters from Jersey Gas, and an advert for the Cortina GLX!

The Jersey Motor Cycle & Light Car Club held their annual dinner and dance at the Hotel de France when just on 200 members and guests spent a most enjoyable evening in the Empire Room.

Mr. D. Cummins, Mrs. and Mr Killmister and Mia Stone.

Mrs. Boxall, Mr. F. Boxall, Mrs. de la Cour and Mr. W. Boxall.

Miss V. Holmes, Mr. J. Pirouet, Mrs. Pirouot, Mr. A. Dix, Mrs. D. Fossey, Miss Paloma and Mr. Minkley.

Mr. Addis, Miss Todd, Miss S. Miles, Mr. P. Stansfield-Huelin, Mr. P. Wilson, Miss 8. Le Couteur, Miss A. Le Gresley and Mr. H. Allen.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Wilson, Mr. R. Blake, Mrs. Jean, Miss Hopkinson, Mr. H. Ashborn, Mr. Le Fleur and Miss Amy.

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