Friday, 23 February 2024

1974 - 50 years ago - February Part 2

1974 - 50 years ago - February Part 2

16—Travel firms could soon control nearly ten per cent of Jersey's tourist beds—either by direct ownership at hotels or by arrangements which give them exclusive use of establishments. In recent months at least half a dozen premises have been bought by tour operators and the trend is expected to accelerate as travel firms see their competitors acquiring more beds in the Island.

17.—-A 59-year-old Frenchman. M. Jean Robic, was found dead at the foot of a staircase at his home at Maufant this evening. He appeared to have fallen down the stairs and hit his head on a. windowsill. It is likely than an inquest will be held.

18.-—Miss Maud Ogier, BA (Loud). a former mistress at the Jersey College for Girls and now living at St. Martin was 100 today.

19 .—Jersey’s first outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease for nearly 17 years was officially confirmed late this morning, and as a result the whole Island has been declared an infected area. The confirmation came after a further clinical examination of the ten animals—nine cows and a yearling bull—at Mr. Harold Vibert’s farm at Woodlands St.Ouen.

20.—No further outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease have been reported since ten animals were slaughtered and buried at Mr. Harold Vibert’s farm, Woodlands, St. Ouen yesterday afternoon. But severe restrictions on the movement of all animals are being put into operation. Jersey Zoo at Augrés Manor, Trinity, has been closed for a week as a precaution.

21.—Poker games allegedly for high stakes at the premises known as The Millionaires on the Weighbridge led to the appearance in the dock at the Police Court this morning of Christopher Michael Georgiou (29), a native of Cyprus. He pleaded guilty to the offences against the Gambling Law and was remanded on £200 bail until next Thursday. The accused was brought back to Court this afternoon and the Magistrate was told that there was a warrant out in the UK under the Theft Act for his arrest. The Magistrate withdrew bail and ordered remand in custody.

22.—The publicity campaign to recruit youth leaders has successfully reached the target set by the Jersey Youth Movement in less than three weeks. Over 90 volunteers have contacted Youth Adviser Mr. Tom Keir Hardie as potential helpers to boost the Island’s “ Open ” clubs and uniformed organizations.

23.—Work is expected to start this autumn on new buildings to house two expanding educational departments at Victoria College. The more futuristic of the schemes is a two-storey octagonal music and drama centre which will be sited between the Howard Davis Hall and the recently completed science block. The other new department will be a six-form centre, which together with the new junior changing rooms, will involve the rebuilding of an existing part or the main college.

25.—No further outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease. have been reported, but Department of Agriculture officials stress that there must be no relaxation of controls for at least another two weeks.

26.——Jersey’s chief immigration officer Mr. Alan Le Brun and Mrs. Daphne Minihane were at Buckingham Palace today to receive from the Queen Mother the insignia of the Order of the British Empire awarded them in the New Year Honours. Mr. Le Brun was made OBE and Mrs. Minihane was made a Member of the Order in recognition of her services to the community.

27.—-The Jersey Unit of the Sea Cadet Corps is again the top unit in the whole of the British Isles. This morning, their Commanding Officer, Lt.-Cdr. DE Allo, RNR, was informed that the unit has been awarded the Canada Trophy which they last held in 1970.

28.-—-When fire broke out early this morning in a second-floor at the Grand Hotel on the Esplanade, the 66-year-old occupant, a company director, said to be a " sick man ”. was fortunate to escape with minor burns.

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