Saturday, 10 August 2024


Much of the media have described marches led by far-right activists in the UK which led to out of control riots and looting as 'anti-immigration protests', but Ian Dunt says the term 'anti-immigration' is woefully insufficient. He says what occurred was not a demonstration, not just a riot and more than just violent disorder. What occurred was a pogrom - an attempt to attack and in some cases murder people, targeting those with black and brown skin


She gave her child a brick to throw:
Breaking glass is all they know;
And setting a world on fire afar,
Messages burning here a scar;
Book burning has come again:
Nazis did this, way back then;
Difference hatred there and here,
And with difference comes fear:
Destroy, exterminate, wipe out,
Throw bricks with baying shout;
Hatred rises against the stranger:
Mobs run riot, causing danger;
Behind the scenes, dark voices cry:
Feeding flames with every lie;
Burn not just adults but a child:
Evil words make speech defiled;
Cockroach, vermin, alien race:
But kindness has a human face;
While hate burning like a fire,
And speeches light a funeral pyre,
Hands come to help, not fight:
Against the wrong, the way of right;
They reach out to have and hold:
A community of hope is bold;
And will rebuild from ashes now;
Ways of peace: this is the vow;
This is the country of the kind,
And not all are lost or blind;
Darkest hour before sunrise:
Sunrise where the future lies.

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