Friday, 8 November 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - November Part 2

1974 - 50 Years Ago - November Part 2

18. Coal goes up by 30p a hundredweight. The miner's pay rise, freight costs and general overheads have combined to push the price from £1.12 to £1.42 a bag,

19.The appointment of Fort Regent's director was announced. The top job--one of- the -highest paid in the Jersey civil service—has gone to a 29-year-old Englishman, Mr. Peter Donald Smyth.

20.Fifteen hundred explanatory pamphlets went out to Island employers this week explaining the new social security insurance system which comes into effect on January 1, Another 1,000 will follow shortly. Three of seven teenage thugs, who made vicious late-night attacks on• two men, one of them a 70-year-old—were jailed for three years by the Full Court yesterday. The other four were sent to Borstal, and the Bailiff, Sir Robert Le Masurier, warned: "Any further offences of this sort of violence will be treated in the same way."

22.—Two St. Lawrence houses which have stood empty for three years are finally to be demolished and the site redeveloped. Baycroft and Kirkstone, neighbouring properties on the landside of the Route de la Haule near Beaumont and the subject of sortie 'controversy within the;: parish, are to be pulled down and in their place will rise four' blocks comprising 21 flats .

24.-,,.When fire broke out .at- the ,Hotel Revere in Kensington Place this morning, the manager, Mr. William Carmody, took his wife. and 17. month-old baby out of their bedroom window on to the roof. They got down to the courtyard but found the doors locked—their cries for help aroused neighbours who called the Fire Service. The Carmody and other children were brought to safety by the owner. The fire started in the reception area on the ground floor, and the firemen managed to confine, it to that area, and to the bedroom immediately above.

25.—Following the collapse last week of its parent company, Triumph Investment Trust, local bank Whyte. Gasc and Co. (Channel Islands) Ltd., of Mulcaster Street, has ceased taking deposits and has had all its current 'deposits frozen. No local staff, however. have been laid off.

26.—The emergency measures announced yesterday by the British Government to combat IRA terrorism will be extended to Jersey immediately, they come into force in the UK. This was announced in the States by Defence, Committee president Deputy John Riley.

28.—-Mr. David Forster (20) killed in head-on crash on the Trodez Road; St Ouen. Austen’sCircus opens at Springļ¬eld. .

29.—Passports or similar documents advised for travel to UK following bomb incidents—Details of alteration: to New North Road published, Ronez Quarries to meet the cost.

30.--—The Finance and Economics Committee’s decision to double corporation tax next ’year to. £600 in the hope of bringing in. an extra £600,000 may force many companies to leave Jersey.

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