Tuesday, 30 September 2008

The Power of a Blog

Is it just a strange coincidence?
Stuart Syvret's blog publishes transcript of interview from Lenny Harper, naming two politicians who went to see the Attorney-General about someone he was about to charge. After some guessing games, the names of the politicians are "outed".
The following day, the JEP publishes a comment from them saying they had done nothing wrong in taking up the case of a parishioner (the accused's brother)
Stuart Syvret's blog has a section on guessing which letter by the JEP is a fake. It is a letter by a B. Riantz of Clarendon Road. A comment exposes this as a fabrication - the manager of the flats knows there is no one of that name there.
The following day, the JEP publishes a statement to the effect that it has come to their notice that B. Riantz is a fake, and no one of that name lives at that address.
The power of a blog - a pity the JEP couldn't be proactive rather than reactive.

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