Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Tennerfest - Time for a Change of Name

Almost all the menus in this year's Tennerfest are more that £10, some from £12.50, some up to £17.50.
It is certainly better to see the prices up front rather than a few years ago, when almost everything was £10, but almost every menu had "supplement" costs added on for most main courses, slyly printed by the side in smaller print. At least now we can see what we are getting, with the total price, which one assumes is inclusive of GST, and doesn't include a service charge.
However, it really would make sense to change the name. "Tennerfest" is now almost exclusively printed in inverted commas, which is a sure sign that it is rapidly losing its original meaning, dating from the days when it really was just a tenner to eat out. Why not "Autumn Food Festival", or "Twenty-fest"? Any other suggestions?
I note in passing that there must be a glut of salmon. Almost every Jersey menu has salmon as one of the fish courses, or often the only fish course. As far as I know, Jersey does not farm salmon, so most of the fish courses are sourced outside of Jersey. So much for eating local produce.
In fairness, a few restaurants are offering cod or plaice, but they are swamped by the salmon.
If I go anywhere, I think I may try the Navigator at Rozel, which I see does a three course meal with coffee, with half a lobster as a main course, for £17.50. That's quite a bargain, and I'll be helping local fisherman as well.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I've always wanted to experience Tennerfest....though you really do have a point, it's hardly "tenner"fest when all of the meals are more expensive than that! Which Jersey Restaurants do you recommend for this festival?
