Random thoughts, poems, jottings, and as it says, musings. About anything and everything!
Saturday, 22 January 2022
The Steel Sky
An election comes up, and the manifesto promises begin. Build higher, in town of course, never where the politicians live. I believe most the politicians in St Helier No 1 live outside of the Parish. And of course most elsewhere live in the countryside. The votes for a hospital on "The People's Park" in town and endorsements came from politicians who don't live in town. The opposition, starting with the Connetable, came from those who live (like he does) within town. It requires a good deal of empathy and imagination to see what it is like within, if you have a nice country house, and imagination and empathy are in short supply these days.
Meanwhile, the "Real Housewives of Jersey" gives an artificial view of Jersey - not one of them comes from a lowly town house. And the manifesto says it will make a "vibrant community", resorting to that stale cliché, while promising something new, as long as it is not in their backyard. I've probably lived too long and become too cynical about politicians, especially when they talk in empty phrases, tacked together. Or maybe I've read George Orwell's Politicians and the English Language, and have learned the lessons well about how language is corrupted in politics.
There are two Doctor Who references in the poem. See if you can spot them.
The Steel Sky
Build high for happiness, ever high
And flats for the lesser folk are made
But affordability is a politicians lie
And a vote is the price to be paid
Build low for happiness, rural joy
But for the few, the lords, the rich
Real housewives of Jersey enjoy
Luxury homes designed to bewitch
The steel sky of chrome and glass
The new style office: iconic, vibrant
Not gold, of course, but just brass
As Covid comes, goes more silent
The old world: demolished, torn down
And the manifesto promise: a new town!
The Steel Sky
Build high for happiness, ever high
And flats for the lesser folk are made
But affordability is a politicians lie
And a vote is the price to be paid
Build low for happiness, rural joy
But for the few, the lords, the rich
Real housewives of Jersey enjoy
Luxury homes design to betwitch
The steel sky of chrome and glass
The new style office: iconic, vibrant
Not gold, of course, but just brass
As Covid comes, goes more silent
The old world: demolished, torn down
And the manifesto promise: a new town
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