Friday, 21 January 2022

Victoria College: The Register 1853

Notes on Transcription

This is a transcript from the old Victoria College register book. It has been made using a combination of OCR and corrections by hand - a lot were needed as the print of the book is an old style which does not readily convert with good accuracy. I mention this process because any mistakes are my own, but also as a certain site owner has a habit of pinching the work of transcription by others - he did this a lot with mine - and giving no acknowledgement for the work that goes into that

This register was collated in book form by the writer (E.C. Cooper) contacting as many Old Victorians as he could and getting information as to their whereabouts, whether they had died (the book was published shortly after 1956), and their careers. Sometimes it is very sparse, sometimes, we have almost a "Who's Who" record of where they went and what they did.


110. NORMAN, CHARLES. Brother of 82 and 264. Deceased.

111. WARRINGTON. ALBERT. Son of Captain Warrington, Woodburn House. Brother of 112 and. 254.

112. WARRINGTON, COURTLAND. Brother of 111 and 254.

113. LE JEUNE, ALFRED. Son of J. Le Jeune, Samarés Lane. Brother of 447. Deceased.

114. DE STE. CROIX, —. Son of Philip de St Croix, 9 Library Place.

115. LE MOIGNAN, J OSHUA. Son of —— Le Moignan, 40 Parade.

116. PIXLEY, HENRY. Son of Centenier Pixley, 14 Parade.

117. ROSE, GEORGE. Son of T. Rose, Marine Terrace. Deceased.

118. PAYN, PHILIP JOHN. Son of Philip Payn, Library Place.

119. PUGSLEY, JAMES. Son of J. Pugsley, Caledonia Place.

120. MANNING, JAMES NAPOLEON. Son of D. Manning, King Street. Left 1855. University of Sydney New South Wales, MA. 1885. L.L.D. 1892. Ordained 1870. Incumbent. Gundagai 1870-3 St Silas, Waterloo and St. Matthew’s Botany 1873—86, St Peter‘s, Cook River 1885—92. Rector St. Michael, Surrey Hills, Sydney 1892. Died at Sydney 1914.

121. INGOUVILLE, JOHN. Son of Mrs. Ingouville, 10 La. Motte Street.

122. DUHEAUME, GEORGE JANVRIN. Son of G. Duheaume, Hungerford House, Vauxhall.

123. FAUVEL, JOHN BURTON. Son of Captain Fauvel, Grosvenor Street.

124. BALLEINE, GEORGE ORANGE. Son of G. Balleine,60 New Street. Left 1861. Gained Classical, Mathematics and French Medals. Scholar Queen’s College Oxford. Taylorian Scholarship 1863. First in Mathematics Mods, Classic Mods., Lit. Hum., Mathematics Finals. Fellow Queen’s College 1866. Ordained 1867. Rector of Bletchingdou 1868-85, Weyhill 1835-8, St. Helier and Dean of Jersey 1888. Hon. Canon of Winchester 1891. Died 1896.

125. AMY, FREDERICK. Son of Philip Amy, St. Martin’s.

126. LE HUQUET, FREDERICK. Son of A. Le Huquet, St. Martin’s.

127. THOUME, FREDERICK J EUNE. Son of J. Thoume of Guernsey. Came from Elizabeth College. Died at Herm 1870.

128. MELVlLLE, ROBERT. Son of M. L. Melville, Terrace House. Gained Classical Medal and Queen‘s Exhibition. Magdalen College Oxford. 2nd. Class Classic Mods, 4th Lit. Hum. 1861.



130. EREAUT, HENRY. Brother of 14 and 235. Deceased.

131. ERAUT, PHILIP. Brother of 46.

132. MESSERVY, GEORGE. Son of Mrs. Messervy, Ville Brée, St. Martin

133. PHELPS, TURNER. Son of Mrs. Phelps, Egyptian House, Val Plaisant.

134. WHITE, GEORGE. Son of J. White, Library Place.

135. PINEL, PHILIP. Son of Mme. Pinel, St. Lawrence.

136. HALL, FRANK. Son of H. W. Hall, Bagot.

137. MAVINS, GEORGE IRELAND. Son of C. Mavins,13 Welton Terrace.

138. SCOREY, WILLIAM GEORGE. Son of G. Scorey.

139. LE FEUVRE, CHARLES. Son of G. Le Feuvre, 34 Bath Street. Deceased.

140. ALEXANDRE, WILLIAM JOHN. Son of J. Alexandre, St. Brelade’s.

141. VAN HOMERIGH. ALEXANDER PLUNKET. Son of Mrs. Van Homerigh, St. Martin’s. Entered the Army (2nd Foot). Lieutenant 36th Foot. 1862. Captain 61 St Foot; 1876. Present at. capture of Taku Forts in Chinese War 1860. Retired as Hon. Lieutenant-Colonel in 1881.

142. LE VESCONTE, JOHN. Son of J. Le Vesconte, St. Martin’s.

143. CALCRAFT, ANTHONY. Son of C. Calcraft, Belvoir, Georgetown. Brother of 144.

144. CALCRAFT, EDMUND. Brother of 143.

145. LANGLOIS, FRANCIS. Son of Mrs. Langlois, 21 La. MotteStreet

146. EVANS, HENRY JOHN. Son of G. Evans, 1 Winchester Place (Attorney-General), Brother of 179, 7, 281, 352. Entered the Army (2nd Foot). Lieutenant 1857. Lieutenant West lndia Regiment. 1861. Retired 1862.


147. BISHOP, ST. GEORGE MEADOWS. Son of Major Bishop. Brother of 148 and 152. Entered. the Army (Indian Cavalry). Killed in action at Shubkudur near Peshawar, 1863.

148. BISHOP, EDWARD BARRY. Brother of 147 and 152. Entered Sandhurst. Ensign 6th Foot. Exchanged to Bengal S.C. becoming Captain, Battalion Major, Major, Battalion Lieutenant -Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel (commanding 3rd Q.O. Gurkhas) and Battalion Colonel. Served in Afghanistan 1878—80 (Ahmed Kheyl), and Burma. 1886—7. Four times mentioned in despatches. Retired in 1900. Lived in Douro Terrace. Died 1921.

149. DAVIS, THOMAS ARNOLL. Left in 1854. Brother of 27. Entered the Indian Army, Bengal Artillery. Transferred to R.A., becoming Colonel in 1888. Served on N.W. Frontier of India. 1863. Retired 1893. Settled near Bath.

150. BRETT, —. Brother of 42 (?)

151. BALLEINE, JAMES. Son of Captain Balleine, Beaumont.

152. BISHOP, LESLIE TREVOR. Brother of 147 and 148. Entered the Army (7th D.G.). Ensign 26th Foot 1868. Lieutenant Bengal SC. 1869. Bt. Major 1881, Lieutenant-Colonel 1892 (commanding 22nd Cavalry). Served in Dour Valley (’72) and Jowaki ('77). Expeditions, Afghanistan 1878—80 (Ahmed Khoyl). Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General to Ghazni Field Force. Mentioned in despatches

153. MARSHALL, EDWARD GLEADOWE. Son of J. Marshall, Queen’s Road. Brother of 134, 135. Gained Classical Medal. Went to Durham University Open Scholarship, 2nd Class 151: Public Exam., Gisborne Scholarship, 1st. Class 2nd Public Exam., Fellowship.

154. BUXTON, DICK. Son of Mrs. Buxton, 56, Colomberie.

155. LE GROS, AUGUSTUS. Deceased.

156. STEEN. ALEXANDER. Son of Dr. Steen, 66 St. Saviour’sRoad

157. HARTUNG, CARL. Son of Mrs. Hartung, Bath Street. Brother of 192. Deceased.

158. TROTTER, JOHN FREDERICK. Son of Mrs. Trotter, 20 Wellesley Terrace. Entered the Army (11th Foot]. Captain 1869. Retired 1873.

159. MORE, CHARLES JAMES. Son of Mrs. More, 9 The Crescent.

160. ROBY, JOHN. Son of J. Roby, 1 Mont Auban, St. Martin’s, Guernsey.

161. STIBY, CHARLES BROOK. Son of R. Stiby, Sherborne.

162. LEACOCK, CHARLES EDWARD BAKER. Son of T. M. Leacock, Oakhill, Ryde. Entered the Army (R.A.). Lieutenant-Colonel 1886. Served in the Abyssinian Expedition (1367-8) ; present at Fall of Magdala. Retired 1890.

163. WESTAWAY, CHARLES. Son of J. Westaway, 35 Belmont Road. Deceased.


165. DE GRUCHY, PHILIP H. Son of WV. P. de Cruchy, 6 Windsor Crescent. Deceased.

166. CAMPBELL, ALLISTER. Son of A. Campbell, Elysée. Brother of 195.

167. BERTRAM, GEORGE CLEMENT. Son of G. Bertram, Don Terrace. Went. to Sherborne School in 1856, and Trinity College Cambridge 1860. B.A. 1863. Called to Jersey Bar 1863, and English Bar 1865. Practised in Jersey 1863—1877, and at the Chancery Bar 1877-9. Solicitor-General of Jersey 1879. Attorney-General 1880. Bailiff 1884. Knighted 1885. Retired 1898. Lived at. Rye, Sussex. Died at Weymouth l9!5.

I68. WHITLEY, JOHN J. Son of J. Whitley, St. Martin’s.

169. MECHAM, GEORGE. Son of Captain Mecham, Bagot House. Brother of 170 and 193.

170. MECHAM, AUGUSTUS. Brother of 169 and 193. Went; to Australia, and was living in Sydney, New South Wales.

171. HAGERMANN, FREDERICK. Son of W. Hagermann, David Place. Brother of 584 and 659.

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