Friday, 10 January 2025

1965 - 60 years ago - January Part 2

1965 - 60 years ago - January Part 2

15.—A 34-year-old Scot with a long criminal record but who had once been in trouble for five years was sentenced to two months imprisonment and disqualification for three years by the Royal Court on charges of car " borrowing, he was Arthur Weatherall, alias Nell Rostron

18.—The week-end weather, gale force winds accompanied by terrific gusts and squalls of hail and sleet, brought more trouble to the Telephone Department with lines down ; both the Jersey and Guernsey life-boats were called out to the aid of a Liberian coaster in difficulties south of Sark and a Norwegian ship which later radioed that they were out of trouble.

19.—At a meeting at Trinity Parish Hall, Mr. J. Le S. Gallichan was elected unopposed as Deputy for the parish to finish the term of office of Mr. G, A. Vautier, deceased.

20.—This morning's high tide, combined with a near-record lieu barometric pressure, caused flooding at Beaumont and more coastal erosion at Le Bourg, a 25-yard sea wall being washed away.

22.—The motion " Parents with problem children have only them-selves to blame " carried by a substantial majority at Debating Club meeting at the Pomme d'Or Hotel.

23.—.During the night about £200 in cash and cheques were stolen from the safe at R. Le Bail and Co. Ltd., in Grenville Street.—The Bailiff opens Channel Islands & Aero Club's new premises on the Airport Road..

25,--Scottish Society of Jersey celebrate annual Burns' Night dinner at Hotel de France.

26.—At the annual general meeting of the Jersey Eisteddfod it was announced that for the first time in ten years a profit had been math amounting to £320.

27.—Before the Full Court a fine of £100 or three months' imprisonment was imposed on Brian Henry de la Mare for assault, the Assize case concerning accused having been adjourned for sentence, also before the Court was Edward Ernest Rampton, who was jailed for nine months and £75 costs awarded against him for indecent assault, this case also having been adjourned for sentence by the Assize Court. " Killer " dogs active in Trinity, where on Monday six hens were slaughtered at Coutanche Farm, and at two farms last night where 13 rabbits were killed.

28—Island service in memory of Sir Winston Churchill held at St Helier's Parish Church, His Excellency the Lt.-Governor, the Bailiff, Jurats. Crown Officers and States members leading the procession to the church.

29.—A Muirhead tractor-dumper valued at £7,000 badly damaged when it went out of control and crashed over the breakwater at the new power station site at La Collette this afternoon.

30.—Break-In during the night at Carter's, newsagents in Colomberie: confectionary, cigarettes, lighters and other items valued at £40 being taken.

31.—Memorial and thanksgiving services for the life and. work of Sir Winston Churchill held in Churches of all denominations through-out the Island. The rainfall for this month, 6.41 ins., was three inches above the average.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

The New Face of Janus

As we start the new year, I see a darkening world ahead - America, the great democracy, poised on the brink of dictatorship, war in Ukraine, or a bad peace. The deaths in Gaza continuing to rise. The rise of the far right across Europe and even in Britain. And over it all, the existential threat of climate change. So this is a sombre, melancholy poem to reflect that mood. There's a slight note of optimism. Originally the final verse of each stanza was a rather pessimistic statement, but I changed it to a question in each case..

The New Face of Janus

It is the turning of the year
The old time passed away
Now comes a dawn of fear
Has Democracy had its day?

It is the turning of the year
Poised between light and dark
Danger present, ever near
Will the future be so very stark?

It is the turning of the year
Dark times are hard to cope
Threaten all we hold so dear
And where will we find hope?

Janus turns a dark face this way
And all we can do is hope and pray

Friday, 3 January 2025

1965 - 60 years ago - January Part 1

1965 - 60 years ago - January Part 1

1—Jour de l'An reception held at the Pomme d'Or, given by the French Consul, M. Alain Radenac. Jersey Drag Hunt and Chase Club hold annual races at Grosnez.

2—At the Royal Court today the Bailiff unveiled a portrait of the late Bailiff, Mr. C. S. Harrison. C.M.G., O.B.E., painted by the late Sir James Arran and which was the gift of the Harrison family.

3.—Two men who pleaded guilty to stealing postal packets from a mailbag on a postman’s bicycle at Springrove, St. Lawrence, Ronald Sutton and Terence Jennings, were jailed for six and nine months respective by the Royal Court—Verdict of accidental death recorded at inquest held on the body of Mr. Thomas McCarthy, found gassed in his home at 9 Savile Street.

4—A fine of £20 was substituted for a month's prison sentence on Stanley Philip Reynolds at the Royal Court today when he appealed against the sentence, which was imposed at the Police Court regarding the larceny of a motor tyre.

5.—ln the early hours of this morning fire gutted a two-storey building used as a loft and stables at Beauverd, St. John; a. timely warning to be alert. A passing policeman enabled the cattle to be released from the building.-

6.—The motion “That one Jerseyman is worth two Englishmen " was carried by 65 votes to 48 at Debating Club meeting.

9.—Verdict of accidental death recorded in the case of Miss E. B. Le Liévre, who was knocked down by a car on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve and subsequently died from her injuries. January Assizes: the first case to come before the Court was that of Edward Ernest Rampton (43), who pleaded not guilty to indecently assaulting a 13-year-old in Woolworth's on October 24th, the case being adjourned. At the end of last year a record number of 30,530 vehicles of all types, including cars and hire cars, were licensed for the Island’s roads.

10..—Continuation of the indecent assault case before the Assizes, the hearing being further adjourned.

12—Assizes: Edward Ernest Rampton was found guilty of indecent assault and was remanded in custody for a psychiatric report to be prepared. The second and final case, that of 26-year-old Jersey-born Henry de la Mare, charged with having assaulted Mr. A. Raine at Cathay Chinese Restaurant on October 31st last year, then commenced, the hearing being adjourned. .

14.—Assizes .- Brian Henry de la Mare was found guilty of assault with mitigating circumstances and a remand was ordered for a psychiatric report to be prepared. A case which was originally listed for the Assizes but was remitted to the Full Court owing to a. change of plea to guilty was that of Graham Edward Wynn and John McMarm, charged with maliciously setting fire to a load of hay and with assault; Wynn sentenced to two months' imprisonment and McMann to three months.