A recent comment by Stuart Syvret on his blog notes that:
I have given up ownership and ultimate control of the site to third parties - and have done so for the very obvious reason that the Jersey oligarchy are doing all they con to suppress and silence this blog - and are doing so by overt unlawful political oppression and harassment of me. Well - no matter what the outcome of the oligarchy's efforts against me - my relationship with this sight is merely one of access. I have the ability to do postings and moderate comments, just as do, say, moderators on any number of sights and other forums. They are given a certain privileged, trusted access to the sight - but do not own it - and are ultimately subordinate to the overall owner, editor, controller etc. So - even if the Jersey gangsters stood over me at a computer, held a gun to my head - and ordered me to remove postings etc - even if I complied - the postings would be restored by the overall owners/controllers within 24 hours. Indeed - if any such coercion, or court-order was obtained against me, the great probability is that the controllers/owners would reduce my privileges to the effect that I could only post and moderate - but not delete anything. And - in any event - even if by some chance this blog was removed entirely - it's all been copied - and would be reproduced in its entirety on others sites and new sites under new domains.
It has been greeted with a degree of skepticism on another blog, but in fact, it is entirely possible to do everything that Stuart says. For those who are interested in how it is done, here is the step by step stages, which is supplied by the Tips and Tricks for New Bloggers Blog. The procedures were noted in 2007, and are easily located - it only took me 5 minutes to find them.
Incidentally, the BlogToPrint service (http://blog2print.com ) can also produce a complete downloadable copy of any blog, Stuart's included, as a PDF for $8.00. You don't even have to have any permissions as long as (a) you have the address (b) it is in the public domain. So copying the blog is cheap as well.
Transfer Blog Ownership
We were posed a question - whether a blog can be transferred to another Google account. Our initial thought was that it can't be done since each blog is registered to a specific Google account. It was only recently when we were contemplating changing the Blog Administrator status in our Tips for New Bloggers blog that we realized that the new Blogger allowed us to change the Blog owner and transfer the Blog to another person.
The scenario we shall illustrate is for the current blog owner ("Blog Owner") to transfer a Blog to another Google account holder ("New Owner"). This New Owner can also be the blog owner himself/herself who wishes to transfer the Blog to his/her other account.
Invite Contributors
The first step is to add the New Owner as a contributor to the Blog. To do this, login to your Blogger account, go to Settings -> Permissions and click "Add Authors". Type in the New Owner's email address and click "Invite".
Blogger will send an email invitation to the New Owner. The email will guide the New Owner through the steps to accept the invitation as contributor to the Blog. It will also lead the New Owner to set up a Blogger account if there isn't one. Once the Blogger account is set up, the New Owner can begin posting on the Blog as a contributor.
As a guest contributor, the New Owner has limited powers. The available functions on the Blogger Dashboard that guest contributors have are:-
1. Create Post
2. Edit Post (cannot moderate comments in posts)
3. Set own Mail-to-Blogger address to enable email publishing
4. Option to be removed as author of the Blog
Change Guest status to Administrator
To change the Blog ownership and transfer the Blog to the New Owner, the Guest Contributor status will have to be changed. The Blog Owner should login to the Blogger account and go to Settings -> Permissions. Under "Blog Authors", the New Owner's name will be shown. Click the link next to it that says "guest". By clicking it, the status will be changed to "administrator".
There will now be 2 Administrators, both entitled to the same rights. The old Blog Owner can be removed as the Blog Author after that and the only remaining Blog owner and author will be the New Owner.
1893: Les p'tits jour' et l'êfanche de Jan du Valon
*Les p'tits jour' et l'êfanche de Jan du Valon.*
A mân chièr neveu Flip; à ses frézes et soeur'; à ses couôsins et
couôsinnes et à touôs mes d'...
1 day ago
Yes. I recently did that with one of the blogs I run, although without the help of the guide. However, I did not notice any option for leaving moderator privileges behind while taking other administrator rights, not that I needed to. Therefore, I think Syvret is either mistaken or lying in his claim to have relinquished ownership. He may have shared it, but if he can moderate comments, then he also has the necessary control to delete edit or export it unilaterally.
He ought to reread his Blogger T&C, too. They reserve the right to take down pages in breach of their local laws, and they do sometimes react to complaints.
Thanks Tony. Very informative and extremely helpful.
Ugh, I would imagine from what he said that at the moment he has the shared control (the two admins position), but obviously all it takes is one text message, or even the public statement that he has been told to delete entries, and that can be removed by the other admin.
The ownership of the blog changing after court order means zilch. We know it will be switched off anyway. 7 people have laid out complaints against it together with Stuart Syvret for saying lies about them. So its up to Stuart to prove these are not lies but he is not doing this because he can't.
If Stuart does not own the blog, then (1) the Court will need to compel him to declare who owns it (2) address that person or persons.
Of course it could also complain to Google as the Blog provider, but that is in America, and they might have to prove their case before Google would just accept their word; after all, (1) the USA is rather keen on freedom of speech (2) Google's attitude to China suggests it may not assume a legal case is devoid of political ramifications and they don't give way to political demands.
It will be interesting to see!
Stuart's blog has also been cut/pasted all over the place -
as one example.
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