Peter Hanning, Constable of St Saviour's has not yet updated his website for ages and ages. The old one is still there at:
Let me introduce you... my website and my policies. Find out how you can help to make it happen...First, a big thank-you to everyone who supported me and encouraged me to stand again as Connétable. Wednesday, 17th September was Nomination Day and Elaine and I were delighted to see so many of our friends in the Parish, the Honorary Police and Deputies come along and join us and make it a really memorable occasion. We and our team were ready for an election campaign but in the event, it was not needed. The turnout at the Parish Hall showed that there is enthusiasm for the parish system and the office of Connétable but without a contested election, of course, there was again no hustings and no leafleting of manifestos. On my website you will find summaries of my manifesto. I want to hear your views and know what issues you believe need to be tackled in our Parish. Please feel that you can contact me to discuss the issues that concern you.
The Connétable began his term of office on Friday, 24 August, 2007
Yes - it hasn't been updated since 2007! So much for keeping in touch. Now that he has to finally face an election, it might conceivably be smartened up. There's also a blog, but that was last updated in 2008.
"My blogspot is a place to discuss and debate and I am looking forward to seeing what you have to say.."
Matters available to discuss and debate on the blog include St Saviour's floats leading the Christmas Parade, St Saviour in Bloom floral co-ordinator Graham Langlois and the Winter Woodland Workout, Remembrance Sunday, planting a tree at the RJA&HS headquarters and showground (he planted a chestnut), Eden Methodist Church celebrating its 175th anniversary, and the Battle of Flowers.
All very nice, but hardly the stuff for debate!
The website is notable for a lack of information where Mr Hanning stood regarding to GST, which one might just expect to pop up in "Island issues". As he got in without any opposition, he never had to answer the difficult questions.
He's totally fixated on the waterfront, however. I've never understood this "splitting the area". Unless you are going to stop traffic going along the esplanade area (past all those modern offices) to Conway street, you are always going to split the area. And why on earth is that so important? Do people really have that much trouble getting to the waterfront area by the cinema? The only people who think so seem to be people who have never taken the trouble to park and cross by the zebra crossing, which goes OVER the underpass.
The Waterfront: The dual-carriageway must be buried to avoid splitting the area. The Esplanade scheme must only be allowed if we have adequate bank guarantees. The money generated must be used to rejuvenate the rest of St Helier.
Rates on States property: It is unfair to all ratepayers, not least St Saviour's, that the States do not pay rates on their non-domestic properties.
But what's he done about it? Simon Crowcroft has tried to bring propositions; Mr Hanning has just grumbled along.
States spending: Accountability at all costs. I support vigorous control of States spending - by being tough on spending we can afford to invest in what is necessary.
Absolutely and utterly vague. Peter Body would justifiably rip such a string of clichés to shreds. Jim Hacker couldn't have put it better.
Housing: I will work with the relevant Ministers and local residents to reduce the impact of essential new developments on neighbouring areas. Integral wildlife zones should be established around large new developments to act as a boundary.
I've yet to see any mention of "integral wildlife zones" in the JEP. If he just means green spaces where we might find birds or voles, why not say so. But "integral wildlife zones" has the sound of something formal, laid down on a map. Where's the map, then? Or is this just pretentious drivel?
School traffic: We have most of the main educational facilities in or bordering our Parish, funnelling school traffic through St Saviour. Better use must be made of school buses and car parking facilities, and car-sharing should be encouraged to alleviate the problem.
And then he advocates (this year) a new development right next to a busy school road! And pushes it hard at a Parish Assembly! That wouldn't alleviate any problems - it would compound them.
And now let's look at a few of his votes in the States on issues that it might have been nice to see discussed on his blog, perhaps.
Roads and Pavements: Legal Liability in Case of Negligence: CONTRE
Migration and Population Policy: CONTRE
School Milk: restoration of funding: CONTRE
Prison Board of Visitors: Composition including non-Jurats (as best practice elsewhere): CONTRE
Council of Ministers' meetings: public access. CONTRE. A vote against transparency.
Standing Orders: publication of Register of Members' Interests: ABSTAINED
Pension age: increase - proposition of Senator Le Gresley to refer to Scrutiny: CONTRE
Goods and Services Tax: exemption or zero-rating for foodstuffs, domestic energy and fuel: CONTRE
So now we do know where he stands on GST!
Esplanade Quarter: deferment of works: CONTRE.
Electoral Commission: establishment as amended: CONTRE
In other words, keep things as they are.
Standing Orders: Time Limits on Speeches During Debates: POUR
As someone who makes minimalist contributions to the house, this is not surprising - his contribution to the debate: "Very briefly, most of what I was going to say has been said in the previous ramblings and therefore I am not going to repeat it." Make of that what you will!
Composition of the States: implementation of remaining Clothier reforms - referendum. CONTRE
Historical Child Abuse: request to Council of Ministers (P.19/2011): CONTRE
That was Francis Le Gresley's proposition about the States keeping their promises to the victims.
1893: Les p'tits jour' et l'êfanche de Jan du Valon
*Les p'tits jour' et l'êfanche de Jan du Valon.*
A mân chièr neveu Flip; à ses frézes et soeur'; à ses couôsins et
couôsinnes et à touôs mes d'...
1 day ago
It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
According to the Parish Accounts published on their website he does all this AND gets a further £1,300 in expenses from the Parish. Is this on top of his states pay AND expenses? Time to decide if you get value for money - I dont think so.
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