Here is the next part of the 1966 booklet produced on Les Quennevais School.
Since the first post went up, a few comments have appeared and you may find them interesting!
Dianah noted that the first post showed a picture of the young Dianah sitting at the table in the library!!
Trevor B: Some of the original teachers were still there when I went in 1975. Although it’s a while ago now, the following I remember:
MRS. S. WEBB (Senior Mistress)
A. L. HARRIS (Head of Art Department)
C. S. M. HILL (Careers Master and Technical Drawing)
W. J. HORN (Head of Science Department)
MRS. D. PICKERING (Needlework)
F. H. POINGDESTRE (Modern Languages)
B. SLOUS (Technical Department)
W. L. M. SMALL (Mathematics)
R. STONIER (Head of English Department)
In terms of memories, I remember Brian Slous being very serious and seemed to have no sense of metalwork was horrendous to be fair and also Mr Stonier had a goaty beard and suffered from gout. The favourite though was Mr Labalestier whose nickname was “Bolly” and we used to sing a very unsavoury song about him in Chemistry!!! I think he retired is c1976.
Stephen Regal (of Regal Construction) notes that "The first job that I worked on!" and of course with Rok-Regal, his company is now involved in building the new school, which seems right and proper.
Janine B: I was in the first intake of students. Lovely school after we had all came from the parish schools, with coal fires etc. Particularly remember Miss August and her Morris minor car with the split windscreen. She would cart us around in it, this would never happen now.
Carole D: I too was there on day one, absolutely loved the school. We had a school reunion when we all turned 40!!! with some of the teaching staff.
And now some more photos and captions. Please share any more memories that I can put up next time.
Les Quennevais School 1966 - Part 2
Each morning the pupils and staff assemble either with the Headmaster as seen here, or in Year Groups with the Year Teachers.
The Hall will seat five hundred. - Note that back in 1966, that could mean all the school, but not now!
The Choir and Orchestra, seen here rehearsing with Mr.Ward, take part regularly in the assemblies.
Throughout the five year course at the school, certain subjects feature at all levels.
1893: Les p'tits jour' et l'êfanche de Jan du Valon
*Les p'tits jour' et l'êfanche de Jan du Valon.*
A mân chièr neveu Flip; à ses frézes et soeur'; à ses couôsins et
couôsinnes et à touôs mes d'...
1 day ago
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