The JEP did not report on the questions about climate change (from Deputy Wimberley) at St Mary's hustings. Jersey Climate Action Network have surveyed the candidates for their views and did a press release but so far (Tuesday), the mainstream media have not covered it. I have permission from Nick Palmer to publish it here, and thanks to him, and J-CAN for conducting the survey, which is an excellent and informative piece of work.
Here is the survey with the candidates' answers
FLG=Francis le Gresley; GB=Gerard Baudains; GR=Gino Risoli; GS=Geoff Southern; NLC=Nick le Cornu; PM=Philip Maguire; PR=Patrick Ryan; PRW=Peter Remon-Whorrall; SS=Stuart Syvret
Where two or more answered the same, their initials are alphabetically placed
1. How convinced are you that global warming is happening?
Completely convinced: GR GS PRW SS
Mostly convinced: NLC PM PR
Not sure: FLG GB
Not at all convinced:
Don't know:
2. If global warming is happening, what do you think is causing it?
Caused mostly by human activities: GR GS NLC PR PRW SS
Caused mostly by natural changes in the environment: FLG GB PR PM
Don't know:
NB Patrick Ryan felt both were contributory but stated that human activity
is the only one we can influence
3. In recent months there have been high profile (the "Climategate") controversies suggesting that there are flaws in some of the work of some climate scientists. What do you think?
I am now less convinced of the risks of climate change: FLG
I am now more convinced of the risks of climate change: PRW
My view on the risk of climate change has not changed: GB GR GS NLC PM PR SS
4. Which comes closest to your own view on the scientific consensus on global warming?
Most climate scientists think global warming caused by humans is happening:
Most climate scientists think global warming caused by humans is not
happening: GB
There is a lot of disagreement among credible scientists on this issue: FLG
Don't know:
5. Would you say that, in general, the risks of climate change and its possible consequences have been presented proportionately, or do you think they have been understated, or do you think they have been exaggerated?
Proportionately: GR GS NLC PR
Understated: PM PRW SS
Exaggerated: FLG GB
6. How do you think Jersey as an island should tackle global warming?
Invest in renewable energy: GR GS NLC PM PR PRW SS
Improve public transport: FLG GR GS NLC PR PRW SS
Improve recycling facilities: FLG GB GR GS NLC PM PR PRW SS
Make buildings more energy efficient: FLG GR GS NLC PM PR PRW SS
Control the population: GB GR GS PRW SS
Don't know:
Any other suggestions?
GS: Reduction in use through behaviour change also good ie awareness raising
PM: Floating houses as per Holland
PR: Encourage the education of climate change to young people
PRW: Yes, a few, but not now
SS: Strive to set a global example. Localise as much economic and production
activities as possible - especially food production.
7. Priority or not?
Climate change issues are so fundamental to our future, they should be strongly weighted in all aspects of the political process, when planning strategy: GR GS PRW SS
Mitigating climate change locally should be a strong component of the Island's environmental strategy: FLG NLC PR PRW SS
As a developed, energy hungry, nation with a very large environmental footprint, Jersey has a much greater than average global responsibility to take action now: PRW SS
We shouldn't take action because disastrous consequences have not been proved beyond all reasonable doubt:
It's all conspiratorial propaganda designed to restrict us and bring in a world government: GB
Global warming will be good for most of the world so we should do nothing to stop it or encourage it:
Any other view?
GB: I am amazed,given the scientific evidence available, that there are those who still cling to the theory of anthropogenic global warming. Truly the modern-day flat-earth society!
GR: Making our politicians accountable. Taxpayers' spending must go online so that evidence can be used to change representation. The world will still be here after humans are extinct. We over rate our importance, yet we are at
GS: Jersey could be a model community in energy use
PM: Climate change will completely transform our Island and our lives. Short term effects are unclear but we should be seriously studying it
PR: In my manifesto I have put forward the idea to ringfence the funds generated by burning Guernsey's waste in our incinerator in order to kick start Jersey's environmental policies. Provide funding for investment in renewable energy etc.
PRW: Hope maybe to have some time to chat with you. I'd love to pick your brains!
SS: The changes we have to make - are going to happen. Period. It is far better for us to engage with those changes voluntarily - and as early as we can.
Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002
* Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002*
Ch'èst un pliaisi, comme trejous, pour mé Clifford Laisney d'vos presenter
tchiques patholes dans ma pr...
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