Here is another look back 100 years, at the events in the month July 1913. Whereas June 1913 seemed to be a time for road accidents, July seems to have more than its fair share of drownings, as well as one unfortunate man who fell of a ladder.
There is a bitter sweet quality to seeing the mentions of the scouts, or the cadet companies, and the Militia camp, as this year was the last year of peace. Within a few years, many of those scouts or cadets would be heading off to France, where a number would never return.
It is interesting that the French people in Jersey are referred to as a "colony". It is a different way of viewing immigrants. I'm not sure that it is one which would sit easily today, if we started talking about the Portuguese or Polish colony in Jersey.
The Oddfellows Hall lends itself to a few musical events and plays. The Oddfellows was one of a number of fraternal societies which began in the 18th century, and which provided both care for members and an organisation for bringing together people in community. The Hall (no longer owned by the society) is in Don Street, St Helier.
On the medical side, members of Oddfellows would pay a monthly sum, and this would entitle them to medical care from doctors with the society paying the bill, thus spreading the cost across the membership and over the year. In England, this ended with free medical care and the welfare state, but the Jersey and Guernsey branches still continue to fulfil this primary purpose for their members to this day (and also accept new members from any member of the general public under retirement age who wishes to apply).
In fact one local member (Gordon De La Perrelle) who recently died had just attained the grand age of 100 years in May, and would have been an infant when the events described here were taking place. I had the privilege of meeting Gordon briefly on several occasions, and I find it quite amazing to contemplate how close the seemingly distant past can be to us today when we know someone for whom the events happened within their lifetime.
The Oddfellows Hall had also seen in November 1910 the first musical production of the Green Room club, an adaptation by Miss Peyton of a French Comic Opera and renamed 'Les Mousquetaires du Roi'. The production ran for three nights and one matinee. Mr M. Brunt, the Bandmaster of 'The Kings' at the time was Musical Director, a position he was to fill until 1935. The show was a great success.
Late on, during the war, there would be events such as the Royal Militia Island of Jersey programme for the Non Commissioned Officers Ball which was held at the Oddfellows Hall in 1914.
Some Events in July 1913.
July 1
Centieniership of St Clement: Deputation to Centenier G.L. Gruchy
July 2
Boy scouts delegation leave for Birmingham
July 3
St Luke's Cadet Co: Annual Inspection by Capt Green, Devon Regiment.
St Mark's Cadet Co: Annual drill competition, concert etc
July 4
Inquest on Mr John Biddlecombe, of Rosemount Cottages, who was drowned the previous evening while bathing of The Dicq; verdict of "accidental death"
First Tower Recreation Club. Annual General Meeting. Club dissolved.
July 7
Narrow escape from drowning of a lad named Metcalf at Havre des Pas; plucky rescue by Mr A.H. Samson.
July 8
Militia Camp (3rd Battalion R.M.I.J. and Engineers) commenced at Quennevais.
Meeting at Gorey about Gouray Church accounts, about which correspondence by Mr G.E.M. Gape had appeared in the Press; explanations by Vicar and Churchwardens unanimously accepted.
July 9
Inquest on Mr John Philip De La Perrelle who was killed about 9 o'clock that morning by falling from a ladder at Mr. J. W. Huelin's house, No. 44. Esplanade. Verdict, "Accidental death."
Mr. J. E. Le Boutillier unanimously elected Jurat in place of Jurat Gervaise Le Gros, resigned.
Visit of Miss Adela Verne: Pianoforte recitals at Oddfellows' Hall.
July 14
Members of French Colony celebrate French National Fete.
"The Impromptus" in the Triangle Park.
The Castellano Grand Opera Company at the Opera House
July 15
Important Parish meeting at. Town Hall: electric lighting for town; Committee named to study whole question; road improvement at First Tower decided upon; insignia of office for Constable: Divided to accept same if presented.
July 16
Jersey Art Club. Exhibition opened at Museum Hall
Garden Fete and Bazaar at Gouray Lodge.
Le Patrimoine, St. Lawrence. Destroyed by fire.
Accident on Victoria Pier; Mr. Frank Le Riche's leg fractured.
July 17
Guernsey races.
Jersey Canning Company: annual meeting - dividend of 3 per cent declared.
Parish Assembly at St Martin: roads taken over by Parish
July 19
Mr J.F. Le Boutillier sworn in as Jurat by Full Court
"News of the World" pigeon race £100 championship won by Mr H. Hyde of Kingston.
July 21
"Royal Entertainers" in Triangle Park
"Butterfly on the Wheel" at Opera House.
Guernsey Amateurs play the comedy "The Liars" at Oddfellows' Hall
Victoria College Swilling Sports
Jersey Football Association Annual General Meeting
July 22
Serious cycling accident to a French medical gentleman at Greve de Lecq.
July 23
Associated Board R.A.M. and R.C.M.. Distribution of prizes and certificates at Town Hall.
July 24
Jersey Race Club: Summer Races at Quennevais. His Majesty's cup won by Mr H.B. Parson's "Lady Willoughby"
July 25
Jersey Modern School Annual Snorts.
July 28
J.S.C. Morning Handicaps.
Jersey Ladies' College Annual Swimming Sports
St Mark's Cadets leave for camp in Guernsey
"The Quaker Girl" at Opera House
July 29
St Helier's Parish prizes for French: Distribution at Town Hall by Mrs Pinel
Prize day at Helvetia House School.
J.S.C. second series diving handicaps
July 30
Early morning thunderstorm; house struck by lightning at Faldouet; damage slight.
Wedding at St Brelade's - Mr Leonard Cutbush and Miss Flora H. Vardon.
Teignmore Homes Bazaar and Garden Fete
July 31
Prize Day at Jersey Ladies' College.
Mr. Philip A. Basset (a Jerseyman) found drowned in Goole Docks
Tragic death of a Frenchman (André Roudillon whilst digging for bait at Greve d'Azette, a case of sunstroke.
St. Aubin's Swimming Club Annual matches
Death whilst bathing of Mons. Henri Bourichet, of Highlands College.
1981: Avârie et d'l'histouaithe
* Avârie et d'l'histouaithe*
*Trenton *
*Michigan, USA. *
*Lé 6 d'juin, 1981. *
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
Nou peut-i' ouffri des condoléances pou...
20 hours ago
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