Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Shining Stars

As Jonathan Renouf is speaking tonight - all welcome by the way, you don't need to be a member of the Astronomy Club - at St Brelade's Church Hall on "Behind the Scenes at the Sky at Night", I though it appropriate that my Saturday poem should reflect an astronomical theme.

The Shining Stars

I look at the night sky full of stars
How vast the universe all around
Shining now, Venus, Jupiter, Mars
I hear their glorious music sound

Patterns weaving across the night
The Winged Horse, the Great Bear,
And Orion hunting, belt drawn tight
Now shooting stars so briefly flare

And such we wonder, gaze with awe
So many generations looked above
Pondering the shining stars they saw
Seeing signs of war, and signs of love

Such blessings of the cloudness night
And all the shining stars in sight

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