Knights Templars of Aquarius
A Topical Look at Religion: Molly Leach and David Jones highlight lesser known 'other denominations' which have followers in the Channel Islands
(Jersey Topic 1967)
In an old house in St. Ouen is a white-walled room which links the present with Ancient Egypt before the Sphinx was built; when the fabled continent of Atlantis was the physical and spiritual heart of the Earth.
In the rooms are four-thousand-year-old Ushabti—small images which were entombed with the Egyptian dead to serve or guide them on their journey. The figures are carved with hieroglyphics from the Book of the Dead.
A five-thousand-year-old bronze figure of the god Osiris is outlined by a pale, rosy light as he emerges from the tomb. He symbolises triumph over death, and the radiance around him is the eternal light of the spirit.
The little sanctuary, with its exquisite, esoteric paintings and "lost world" symbolism, is in La Maison de Leoville, St. Ouen, head¬quarters of the Knights Templars of Aquarius.
Founder of the order, Mr. Hugh Randall-Stevens, a well-known singer and author, now lives there permanently after many years of commuting from London.
Before the first world war Mr. Randall-Stevens had been studying medicine but, after serving as a pilot in the old Royal Naval Air Service, he was demobili.ed in 1919 and embarked on a singing career. By 1925 he had become a very successful singer.
One evening in 1925 he was working at his desk in his London flat when a voice spoke to him quite clearly. It told him that it had been a High Priest in Atlantis and warned that the world, once again, was heading for major disaster unless men halted their mad race for earthly power and began to seek for the spiritual truth about why there were here on earth.
Hugh Randall-Stevens was naturally startled. He wondered if he were going mad. He was not at all interested in spiritualism or psychic matters. He decided to see a doctor, but after a thorough check-up was assured he was 100 per cent fit both physically and mentally.
However, in spite of his scepticism the Voice came again—and continued to come and after his initial reluctance had worn off he did as it asked and wrote down what it diitated.
The Voice told him that he, Randall-Stevens,. had been through many previous reincarna¬tions. He had been an Initiate-Priest in Atlantis and had later been the scholar—King Akhnaton of Egypt. His duty now, in the present age of Aquarius, was to remind men of the awful lessons of the past—and to warn them that Man could, once again, destroy civilisation on Earth.
Over the years that followed, the Voice, which described itself as "The Master Oneferu" has dictated hundreds of thousands of words to Mr. Randall-Stevens, whom it addresses as "El Eros".
It has told how survivors from Atlantis escaped to Egypt, China and the New World when the great continent was totally destroyed by evil, spiritual forces, set into motion by wicked men.
The Atlanteans were red men—the ances¬tors of the Egyptians and the Red Indians of South America, before the Spanish invasion.
In Egypt the Atlanteans and their descend¬ants built the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid—not as tombs—but as centres of power and temples of initiation. Possessing secret and powerful psychic wisdom, the priests and initiates from Atlantis caused potent thought-waves to flow out over the world to help the spiritual evolution of all men.
But evil forces on the planet became strong again as man became greedy for material wealth. Over the centuries knowledge and wisdom were lost and only ritual remained.
In the early days of his contact with the Voice, Mr. Randall-Stevens, who was quite unable to draw, was sometimes controlled so that his hand automatically drew pictures to illustrate the story of the past and show some of those people who figured in it. When this happened the hand moved rapidly and with uncanny accuracy. After a certain number of pictures had been drawn this kind: of control ceased and did not happen again. "I still cannot draw" says Mr. Randall-Stevens, "not even the simplest diagram".
He and his wife, on the instructions of the Voice, founded the Order of the Knights Templars in early 1954 though his books, based on the dictation of the Voice had been selling steadily for many years.
The Order of the Knights Templars of Aquarius is world-wide and open to men of every race, creed or colour. Its news letters pour out from Jersey to members all over the world. They contain the continuing teachings of Oneferu and contributions and articles on current world trends and happenings from different members.
Mr. Randall-Stevens believes that thought is the most powerful force in the universe. Wrong and evil thought is a tremendously potent force working. for_the destruction of man. It must be opposed by right thinking and an increase in spiritual wisdom.
"Man will never reach the planets by physical methods", he says. "He is not meant to. There is a screen of electrical force around the earth which protects it from cosmic forces which would be utterly destructive to life as we know it".
He warns that atomic experiments are creating deadly danger and in this field of research Man is rapidly reaching the point of no return. There is not much time left. Man must quickly make a change of direction. He must look inward—find the buried God-force within his own nature—then work sincerely for spiritual development. He must grow up and learn to recognise worldly power and success for the trivia they are.
Most of Mr. Randall-Stevens' books are in the Jersey public library. They tell of ancient worlds; of courtyards and temples still buried under the sands of Egypt. Their stories of the past and prophecies for the future make fascinating reading, even for the man who "just doesn't want to know" about their deeper message.
Much of the information given by the Voice has been proved uncannily accurate by much later excavations in Egypt. Mr. Randall-Stevens' book of press cuttings give clear proof of this.
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