A good post by Patrick Poole on the subject of Dawkin's silence on atheism! A lovely ironic tone! Here are a few of the highlights.
Of course, secular humanism has been such an advancement to humanity over monotheism, hasn't it? What with the Reign of Terror and its goddess of Reason, Napoleonic total war, Prussian militarism, Marxist revolutions, Darwinian eugenics and racism, Bolshevik communism, Stalin's collectivization of the kulaks, Italian fascism, German Nazism and the gas chambers of Auschwitz, Stalin's purges, Third World "liberation" movements, Nasser's Arab socialism, Soviet gulags, the brutal crackdown on the Prague Spring, Pol Pot's killing fields, Mao's Great Leap Forward, the Baathist regimes of Syria and Iraq, Sandinista death squads, Nicolae Ceausescu's Securitate, and those atheistic paradises on earth, Enver Hoxha's Albania and Kim Il-Sung's North Korea, it is amazing that religion exists at all these days and that atheism hasn't been universally embraced for the empowering and humanizing idea that it is.
Then again, the estimated 100 million people murdered in the name of atheism in the 20th Century alone so far surpass the collective abuses and persecutions launched in the name of Christianity over the past two millennia that the two are entirely incomparable – not really a record of the joys of secularism that Dawkins or Weinberg are really interested in revisiting.
Then again, the estimated 100 million people murdered in the name of atheism in the 20th Century alone so far surpass the collective abuses and persecutions launched in the name of Christianity over the past two millennia that the two are entirely incomparable – not really a record of the joys of secularism that Dawkins or Weinberg are really interested in revisiting.
Atheists have long ago worn out their welcome to flog the rest of us on the matter of religion, particularly those of the rabidly bigoted variety represented well by Richard Dawkins and Steven Weinberg (among many others). In their malicious handling of Christianity and its history we find that they are not intellectually honest; this should be no surprise to us, however, as they don't have any reason to believe in honesty.
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