Walker defends 'secret' agenda By Harry McRandle, JEP
JERSEY'S government is less secret than many others elsewhere, says Chief Minister Frank Walker. The Senator spoke out to defend the approach adopted by the Council of Ministers in discussing matters in private session - of the 12 items on tomorrow's order paper, ten are on the part 'B', or secret agenda. Senator Walker argued that the Council's approach actually protects the public interest in many instances. 'We never keep things secret any longer than we have to,' said the Senator. 'I know there is a perception that we work behind closed doors too much. 'However, the press and public have much more open access to government information in Jersey than in many other places, including the UK.'
I came across this "secret agenda" or "closed" agenda to give it its proper name some time ago. At least we know what we are being excluded from, although some of it makes worrying reading. Some "closed items" which are debated (just so you know what is on the cards to come up sometime in the future, with my comments):
Thursday 8th May 2008
Haut de la Garenne - that's coming up regularly!
Thursday 24th April 2008
Importation of Cattle Semen - nice to know that's debated in secret! A matter of public importance, which we know has the Chief Minister's backing!
Housing Needs Survey - perhaps there is rather more poverty than they would like to let out
Environmental Taxes - watch for these sneaking in as stealth taxes
Thursday 27th March 2008
Esplanade Quarter Masterplan - Freddie's Folly, under ground and under wraps
Environmental Taxes - watch for these sneaking in as stealth taxes
Update on Skills Executive - that's so that when UK appointments are made, we don't know why! Or maybe they are brainstorming excuses for top uk appointments?
Haut de la Garenne - another secret review, what's so secret that the public can't know?
Thursday 6th March 2008
Constitutional Review Report - without public debate, maybe on the dual roles of Bailhache and Bailhache? And the results of the meeting with Jack Straw?
Imagine Jersey Report on Consultation Process - I can imagine why they'd try to hide this one!
Seat Belt Legislation - secret to spare De Faye's blushes?
Haut de la Garenne - another secret debate
Review of Licensing Laws - another sneaky change in the pipeline?
Thursday 7th February 2008
Machinery of Government Review - that's to do with Senators, Deputies, Clothier etc etc
Scrutiny Code of Practice - I see scrutiny can't get a look in on any measures involving their powers
Thursday 24th January 2008
Channel Islander Status in the EU - why this is a secret subject is beyond me
La Collette Hazard Review Group - don't think Simon Crowcroft would be happy about the secrecy here
*G. W. de Carteret*
- Missice Charlotte Crespin
- Maria Jenkins
- Missice Liza Halledoque
1 hour ago
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