My book "Channel Islands Witchcraft" is now on iTunes!
A critical survey of the witch trials in the Channel Islands, and how they have been treated by historians from J.L. Pitts, G.R. Balleine and Cary-Curtis to the present day. There are also notes on the Jersey Laws pertaining to witchcraft, and a list of the witch trials in both Islands, as well as details of the social background at the start and end of the burning times. This edition has been expanded and includes an index. Includes extracts from witch trials in Guernsey, and a timeline of trials in Jersey and Guernsey, and an extract from the Mirror of Justice, a key text in customary law, as well as a look at the legal situation today.
Witch Trials in Jersey.........................................................................................6
Witch Trials in Guernsey..................................................................................13
Social Changes and the Witch Trials in Jersey..................................................19
An Aside on Confessions .................................................................................23
Two Modern Writers........................................................................................26
Jersey Folk Lore ..............................................................................................28
Laws on Witchcraft in Jersey............................................................................31
The Legal Position Today ................................................................................33
A Modern Neopagan Perspective......................................................................39
Witchcraft and the Evil Eye in Guernsey..........................................................41
Black Books and Later Folklore .......................................................................43
Conclusions .....................................................................................................45
Select Bibliography..........................................................................................47
Appendix 1: Sample Confessions of Witches Under Torture.............................50
Appendix 2:Witchcraft Trials in Guernsey - A List ..........................................58
Appendix 3:Witchcraft Trials in Jersey - A List ...............................................65
Appendix 4: An Extract from The Mirror of Justice..........................................68
Appendix 5: The Guernsey Heretics .................................................................81
Notes to the Text..............................................................................................87
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
1 day ago
Is it true they used to hang witches at Westmount?
I'd love to buy a copy of this book, having studied European witchcraft four years ago, and having dipped into some of Dr Ogier's work. Such an important part of our history and anyone who wants to understand Calvinism, with its many merits, has to include the witchcraft trials.
Do you have a paper copy for sale. I'm not really keen on an electronic version as I prefer the printed page!
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