Frank, I'm awfully cross about these people
who won't follow wartime regulations. Time
and again I say firmly "Wouldn't you mind
terribly making sure you follow the rules".
At the press conference, after John Le Fondre refused to give - as an example - the Royal Yacht event in terms of how many people had to self-isolate, Gary Burgess blew the gaff by giving the official statistics:
"In total, three parties were responsible for the vast majority of isolations. One widely publicised event led to more than 500 people being contacted and asked to self-isolate. A second event led to 630 people being contacted, with a third leading to 530 such cases."
That came to 1,660 of the 2,000 cases of contacts self-isolating from just 3 hospitality events! 83%! And as he stated, there was no evidence of breaking any laws, just not following "guidance"!
"Government sources have privately expressed their huge worry and anger that those partygoers have likely broken no laws, but absolutely broken the social distancing guidance, with many then going on to host or attend dinner parties the following night."
"There were a total of 34 ‘clusters’ discovered in November, ranging from incidents in homes to parties in hotels, as well as outbreaks connected to bars and restaurants."
These numbers explain why there were significant delays at the help line, and why Gary reported this:
"As I write this blog, the honorary police are messaging me to say the roads around the airport drive-thru testing centre are gridlocked. I’m getting messages from people on hold for over an hour trying to get through to the official coronavirus helpline."
As he put it succinctly: "This story is really about hospitality, parties and alcohol"
Meanwhile, the JEP reports that "further actions aimed at pulling Jersey back from the ‘cusp of lockdown’ will be considered during the first part of December, ministers have confirmed, with tougher restrictions on the licensed trade among the options being considered."
Note that word "considered". This is a government which seems to be reacting rather than acting, and taking action in every case too late. There's a great contact team, we have a great App, but we really don't need the kind of dithering leadership that we are getting. What we need to see is that further actions will be stated by the end of the week, to come in force the following week. What we are getting is the Jim Hacker approach to the pandemic. Lockdown beckons.. and before Christmas, I'd guess.
Jim Hacker:
You will agree that so far my premiership has been a great success.
Sir Humphrey:
Oh, indeed.
Jim Hacker:
Yes, and I have been asking myself: "What can I do to continue this run of success?"
Sir Humphrey:
Have you considered masterly inactivity?
Jim Hacker:
No, Humphrey. A Prime Minister must be firm.
Sir Humphrey:
Indeed. How about *firm* masterly inactivity?
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