Friday, 5 April 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - April Part 1

1974 - 50 Years Ago - April Part 1

1.———British Airways today reported " sensational " increases in the number of passengers carried on their winter flights to and from the Channel Islands. At the same time the airline announced that they will not be operating Jets to Jersey until July. An April date was originally forecast..

2.—-—The new Consul de France in Jersey will be M. Michel Moreux, at present Consul in Ethiopia. He was Vice-Consul in Jersey from 1945 to 1947. He replaces M. Louis Pannier, who leaves the Island next month on his promotion to the rank of Consul-Général in Brazil.

3.——A £3,5000 physiotherapy unit, which is making life much easier for those giving and receiving treatment at Mont a l’A'bbé School was officially opened. by Education Committee president Senator Reg Jeune.

4.—-Dissatisfaction with the. appearance of the swimming pool roof at Fort Regent, and with the deteriorating condition of the Forts main dome, has left the project’s roofing contractors with a 137,000 sq. ft. headache. The roof of the pool has changed colour so dramatically since its opening in March. 1971, that concern is being felt for the Fort’s brilliant-white covering, which has fast become a landmark in and around St. Heller, and already the main roof show signs that its looks have faded in the few months since its completion.

5.—Petrol coupons issued earlier this year should be retained, said the Defence Committee in a statement issued this morning. But provided that consumption can continue to be limited to 90 per cent of last year’s, petrol rationing is unlikely.

6.-—A 60-year-old woman was viciously attacked by an unknown man at her home in Victoria Crescent, Upper Midvale Road. A search net the area was begun immediately but the attacker was not found. Investigations are continuing. '

8.——An average pay increase of 32 per cent for all civil servants, excluding those in the very top bracket. was announced by the Establishment Committee. The total additional cost will be over £400,000 this year as the increase is backdated to January 1.

9.——The latest cost of living figures for Jersey released today show that prices have risen by a staggering 7.8 per cent in the past three months and by 17.7 per cent over the past year.

10.—One or Jersey’s oldest building firms, Mark Army Ltd of Columbus Street, St. Helier, has merged with an English construction company. It was announced today that following months of negotiations John E. Witshier and Co. Ltd. have acquired a 75 per cent shareholding in the local. company.

11.——Both St. Helier Harbours’ £60,000 Scotch derrick cranes are out of action—one because of the dredging near the New North Quay and the other because of a faulty gearbox. ‘

13. The number of unemployed in the Island continues to run higher than a year ago. This morning 138 people were registered with the Social Security Department’s Employment Exchange—44 more than in the middle of April last year.

17.-Jersey’s new lifeboat is to be named the Thomas James King, as a tribute to the retired coxswain of that name who still lives in the Island. Capt. Ron Taylor. honorary secretary of the local branch or the RNLI, said today that the institution’s executive committee in London had approved the branch recommendation that the new vessel—expected in Jersey Later in the year—be named after Mr. King.

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