Friday, 13 September 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - September 2024 Part 2

1974 - 50 Years Ago - September 2024 Part 2

16.—Preliminiary discussions about the new extended St. Peter's Village development scheme were held at a committee meeting. and it has been agreed that priority for homes will go to natives not the parish. Burt parish secretary Mr.Frank Renault emphasized this morning that applications should not be made until a further statement is issued.

17.—The States agreed to take over the artificial insemination service for the Islands’ cattle industry at an estimated annual deficit of £7,750, despite a strong plea: by Senator Dick Shenton that they should not start rescuing lame ducks.

18.—Nurses and midwives in Jersey are to get massive. pay rises ranging from £1.65 a week for- newly recruited students to around £1,000 a year for chief nursing officers. The deal announced by the UK Government yesterday as the result of an emergency independent inquiry, will automatically be applied in Jersey.

19.—Security meeasures are being taken by the police to guard the Consul de France and his staff at the Consulate in Don Street. This follows the siege of the French Ambassador and his staff at the Embassy in The Hague from last Friday until yesterday, when they were released by the Japanese Red Army Terrorists by whom they had been held captive. Deputy John Riley said that the French Government had requested that special security arrangements be made for guarding the personnel at their embassies, legations, consular offices in countries throughout the World.

20.—-A 24 year-old woman was shot dead at a house in Miladi Farm Estate, St. Saviour. at about midnight last night and a 35-year-old man, believed to be her husband, was assisting inquiries at Police Headquarters this morning.

21.—A-top official of the Jersey Farmers Union has resigned because he says that he can no longer make any constructive contribution to the organization. The resignation. which has been accepted by the union's general council, is that of Mr. Leslie Minty full-time secretary for the past seven years. .

23.——An ex-Centenier’s son, 35-year-old Jersey-born Ian Stanley Le Brun, made a brief appearance in the dock at the Police Court this morning charged with the murder of his wife 24-year-old Mrs. Christine Chandler Le Brun (née Prosser), with a shotgun. Advocate Michael Clapham is defending, but reserved his defence. No plea was entered and the Assistant Magistrate, Sir Graeme Finlay, remanded the accused in custody for one week; .

24—Damage estimated at thousands of pounds was done when fire broke out at the premises of Auto Electric, the electrical engineers, in Byron Lane, during the night. Inside the building the stock included batteries and motors, charging and lighting equipment. The cause of the fire has yet to be established.

25.—One of Jersey’s most famous bulls Broadfields Vedas Star Lad has been sold by his owner, Mr. Alec Anthoine, for the all-time Island record price of £4,000.

26.—Hit by a lorry as she was crossing the Esplanade at about 3.15 yesterday afternoon, Miss Mabel C. Foot, a. 75 year-old visitor from Andover, Hants, died some hours later at the General Hospital, where she had been taken unconscious with a suspected skull fracture.

27.—Jersey is to send £5,000 to aid victims of the Honduras hurricane disaster.

28,—Town pilot Mike Berny, the coxswain of Jersey’s lifeboat, has been selected by the RNLI as the man who performed the bravest act of life-saving during 1973. The Institution has decided that he should receive a. special award in recognition of his courage during the rescue of the crew of six from the French yacht Bacchus on September 18 last year.

29.—An 80 year-old man was killed when a tree which he was helping to fell in his garden crashed down on top of him. He was Mr. Edmund John Huelin, of Lowland Cottage. St. Catherine's Hill. St. Martin.

30..—It was announced that stockbrokers D. Q. Henriques Seal and Co., who operate a Jersey office at Channel House in Green Street, will cease trading on ‘November 8. The Manchester-based firm confirmed weekend rumours when it informed the Council of the Stock Exchange that it would not be taking on any new business after the close on that date. But the company has promised to meet all its commitments and a. spokesman in Jersey said there would be no local redundancies.

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