1965 - 60 years ago - March Part 1
1.—In the early hours of this morning, show-cases at the Quatre Bras Hotel, St. Saviour's Hill, were forced and watches, cigarette lighters and leather goods valued at nearly £60 stolen.---Jersey Green Room Club presents "Hobson's Choice " at the Opera House.—Jersey Welsh Society hold annual St. David's Day dinner at the Savoy Hotel.
2.—Hotel, Caterers' and Allied Trades Exhibition officially opened at West Park Pavilion, 49 exhibitors taking part. —Original Jersey Overseas Contingent (D Company 7th Bn. Royal Irish -Rifles) celebrate golden jubilee with dinner attended by His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor, the Bailiff and other distinguished guests.
3 Explosion which occurred this morning at Ronez Quarry, St. John, wrecked the boiler house of the asphalt-making plant.
4.—The 15-ft high cast-iron lighthouse -structure on Gorey Pier crashed into the sea yesterday evening when part of the jetty was torn away in heavy seas at the height of a Force 8 south-south-easterly gale; what remains of the pier is badly undermined and extremely dangerous. About 200 telephone lines were brought down and flying at the Airport was cancelled soon after 6 p.m. Buildings were shaken and people awakened by an earth tremor lasting 40 seconds in the early hours of this morning.
5.—Annual dinner of local branch of the R.AT., the principal guest being Air Commodore H B Martin, D.S.O., D.F.C., A.F.C., A.D.C,, to the Queen.—Jersey Debating Club motion "That the attitude of the Church on the nuclear question is a breach of faith” defeated at fortnightly meeting held at the Pomme d'Or Hotel. Jersey Spring Flower Show staged at West Park Pavilion. -
10.--At the annual meeting between the Tourism Committee and the Island hoteliers it was announced that the committee was not unanimous in its views on the development of Fort Regent.—A hotel manager and his wife who sued the proprietors of l'Auberge du Nord for £428 10s. on the grounds of wrongful dismissal were today awarded £28 8s. by the Royal Court.—Verdict of accidental drowning recorded at inquest on the body of 23-month-old Kenneth Bucket, who fell into a. shallow fishpool in the garden of his home.
11.—The president of the National Union of Teachers' guest at Jersey Teachers' Association dinner at Hotel de France.--Following an-anonymous telephone call (which proved to be a hoax) the second house audience at .the Odeon Cinema was asked to leave temporarily while police searched the building for a supposed bomb.
12.—A verdict that she died from a pulmonary embolus following accidental burning recorded at the inquest on Mrs. M. Q. Pearson, of Noirmont View, St. John.—At St. Mary, Mr. C. C. de Gruchy was elected Centenier for that parish. —Strong team from the Plymouth Schools A.B.A. defeats Jersey Colts Junior A.E.C. by eight bouts to five at the Opera House.
16.—Combined Rotary and Inner. Wheel dinner-dance held at the Hotel de France.
17.—St Helier parish assembly approves Assistanse Board estimates totalling £151,175, an increase of £27,270 on the previous year.—Verdict of suicide recorded at inquest on, a 37-year-old French quarry worker, Rene Louis Faury, found hanged in the room he rented at St. Oxen.