Tuesday 5 June 2007

Human nature

Watched Doctor Who - The Family of Blood, the second part of the already brilliant Human Nature.

Little touches all along the way in this pair of episodes. John Smith's "A Journal of Impossible Things", his past history (parents Sydney and Verity), Smith's reply that Gallifrey must be in Ireland, the sketches of all the past Doctors. All the cast are brilliant, Freeman never better, but Jessica Hynes (Joan) and Thomas Sangster (Tim) were brilliant; the villains showed how just a look (or a nod of the head at once point) can be scary, you don't need special effects or prosthetics. The scarecrows were good though as a very English countryside monster.

It has to be one of the very best episodes of Doctor Who yet. John Smith's fear and glimpse of his future, and self-sacrifice looked as if it couldn't be bettered, and then there was the sequence in the wasteland in France, and that awesome shot above the war memorial, and the ending of the service of remembrance with Tim (now old) holding the watch, and the Doctor and Martha wearing the poppies.

One of the most wonderful episodes ever. If it doesn't win some kind of award, I'd be very surprised.

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