Friday 1 June 2007


"So those are my four points about evangelical identity: the priority of scripture, substitutionary atonement at the heart of our doctrinal beliefs, the need for personal relationship with Jesus and our commitment to evangelism."- speech by Richard Turnbull


I would put Jesus first ("Jesus is Lord" was the procamation of the early Christians), the authority of scripture (albeit mediated via varying traditions, a tradition-free version is an illusion), hearing the call of Jesus (which is what Jesus did, come follow me, not come, have a personal relationship with me, which sounds very gnostic/new age - even if the latter comes about as a result), and evanglism (I prefer the word mission, as evangelism tends to get tied down to a very narrow and individualistic focus) as part of that call.

As for substititionary atonement, I cannot remember that phrase in the Nicene Creed.

I'm obviously not an evangelical of that sort!

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