Now you have 2 choices.
1. Delete this email, or
2. Forward it to people you care about including me.
I hope that you will choose No. 2
This is a new kind of spam, usually with some Chicken Food for the Soul tales tagged onto it. It uses people's own innate kindness "(including me") to trick the recipient into forwarding it onwards.
Here is a heartwarming story at:
I saw a Malay girl reading "Chicken Soup for the Single's Soul". The whole thing has gone from stupid to ridiculous. There are editions for the Pet Lover's Soul, the Golfer's Soul ("Oh no! I didn't score a hole in one. My hole in one insurance was wasted", or, I drove it into a lake. Grr.), and who knows what else. I hope David Fisher will come out with "Chicken Shit for the Soul 3" soon (I much prefer the original title of the first - Chicken Poop for the Soul. Nicer ring).
If you have been touched by this, please don't fill endless friends email with junk that heads around and around the internet. Just delete anything like that!
For a cure, also read
Art Deal and Lee Blowman, business professors at Blunderbuss University and the authors of a best-selling business book that's become the bible of this burgeoning movement, Lead 'Em With Soul and They'll Follow You Anywhere. Hundreds of executives are already using the principles in this book, and they swear by it.
Any book that pokes a big, fat hole in the self-important, self-help BS that is the CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL franchise automatically lands on my good side. Brian M. Thomsen's parody PASTA FAZOOL FOR THE WISEGUY'S SOUL: HEARTWARMING STORIES OF "FAMILY" LIFE may be a few years too late, but at least it shows up its source material as the feel-good false sentiment that it is. The humor anthology imagines the life lessons within were imparted to Thomsen by wiseguy Don Minestrone, such as waiting for the love of a good woman (one other than your wife, of course) and why Pacino beats De Niro, noquestionaboutit. Those who enjoy mafia stereotypes will find it amusing, but I think it works better simply as kind of a memoir for a mob man in his twilight years. So what if he doesn't really exist.
Books of the post:
Chicken Shit for the Soul by David Fisher
Chicken Shit for the Soul 2: More Droppings - Hilarious Tales Guaranteed to Bring Joy to the Cynic in All of Us - A Parody by David Fisher
Pasta Fazool for the Wiseguy's Soul: Heartwarming Stories of Family Life (Paperback)
by Brian M. Thomsen (Author)
1966: Crianches entouor un mitheux
* Crianches entouor un mitheux*
*Lé Ménage ès Feuvres,*
*St. Ouën,*
*Lé 9 dé juilet, 1966*.
Moussieu l'Rédacteu,
“ Si j'allais d'pichi un m...
2 days ago
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