It was an old shop, paint fading worn
Unwashed windows, cobwebs adorn
And I wandered in by creaking door
Into that ancient shop of nevermore
Where time stood still, and did not pass
I chanced upon odd bottle of glass
Inside blue vapours caught my glance.
I asked the shop keeper its provenance
And he told me it was a strange tale
That inside the bottle could unveil
Time past, one hundred years before
And by opening it, unlock the door
To memory past, yet also time alive
In which two lovers then did thrive.
He invited me to try, and lifted
The glass stopper. Vapours drifted
Out towards me, and then suddenly
I was elsewhere, and I could see
The sun, feel its warmth on my face,
Feel the flow as two lovers embrace,
Hear the wind, outside this enclave,
The touch of lips as a kiss he gave;
Such joy in her face, such beauty
By dappled sunlight through a tree
And in the distance, cry of birdsong;
Feeling that this moment did belong
In eternity, wind in trees passing by
Whisper sweet caresses with a sigh;
Then it was gone, the bottle closed,
Secrets again hidden, undisclosed;
As I left the shop, I thought again
Of how no past is lost, that when
In eternity, broken time is healed
Again their love will be revealed
Again hear birdsong, come alive
Moments lost will then arrive.
Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002
* Lettre Jerriaise Samedi l'19 d'Octobre 2002*
Ch'èst un pliaisi, comme trejous, pour mé Clifford Laisney d'vos presenter
tchiques patholes dans ma pr...
5 days ago
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