Jersey Holocaust Day 2020 - and Human Rights
On 27 January 2020 the annual Jersey Holocaust Memorial remembered that
Auschwitz camp was "liberated" 75 years ago.
It is also 75 years ago that Jersey was...
Slow changes
It has taken some time but I've finally regained access to the journal.
The start to the calendar year hasn't been great. The delivery man who
Electric cars and the coup in Bolivia
*Bolivians rally in support of President Evo Morales and CELAC (2015)* On
the morning of the 11th of November, I woke up to two big pieces of news -
My speech at the Citizens Advice AGM
Last week I was very kindly invited to be the guest speaker at the Jersey
Citizens Advice AGM. I was pleased to take questions afterwards and hear
Three cheers and one big warning.
My old friend Daniel didn't get elected as a Green MP. Not any great
surprise in the East Midlands which is seldom kind to third parties
electorally. But ...
*Mont Orgeuil CastleClick on any image for a larger version*
I am very proud of that photo of Mont Orgeuil which I took in Jersey (CI)
in 1961. It's not...
All at Sea
Fire crew and lifeboat crew are two vocations only suitable for genuine
heroes and heroines, and fully deserve immense respect from everybody.
However, the...
Just Ask The Damn Question
Yes – Because it’s Happening Now.
“Everybody would say, ‘what evidence have you got?’ I would say, ‘w...
The Death of the Jersey Way?
Former Senator Frank Walker, who was Chief Minister in 2008
"*There is no hiding place in Jersey for anyone who abused children or, who
in any way may h...
Don't Throw Your Vote Away On An Abuse Of Process
I count the leading figures of Jersey's “Reform Jersey” political party
among my personal friends. I wish them to remain so, thus I shall take
pains to be...
Disgusted by Police Cruel Dog Killing
How would you react had it been your beloved pet that they had so callously
run down & murdered? Just what sort of example is this to give to our
children ...
Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai (2015)
Release Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai in Best LookNow you can enjoy Sarusuberi:
Miss Hokusai in best quality with duration 120 Min and has been launched in
Latest: Jersey Care Inquiry
The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry is charged with finding out what went
wrong in t...
Coastal Walk to Corbiere - Gorse Dodder
Gorse Dodder
*Gorse Dodder (Cuscata epithymum) *
A tangled mass of slender, reddy-coloured threads draped over gorse or
heathers; tiny, pale...
Last night the 10,000th comment was posted on this blog. Appropriately
enough, it was the question which asked what exactly Mr Kevin Delaney has
done to ke...
ABC - The Lexicon of Love - August 1982
In my teens my parents took me on holiday on the River Rance in France on
their boat. My mother looked forward to this time and I was not to show
that I w...
Letter to St Helier ratepayers
Dear Ratepayer
The annual sending out of Rates Assessment notices, which are not a request
for payment but notification of how your rates bill will be calcu...
50 - Final Blog of the Series
Hindsight is a wonderful thing and when I reflect back to the start of this
awful mess I fully realise that the timing for this event could not have
been w...
The Politics Hour - Is That All We Get???
I have been away from this “project” for a long time – firstly due to work
commitments, then due to a quasi-despair at the poor level of the debate
Nearly 5 years later.....
Still the case is ongoing..... An offer has been made by the defendants
which has been 'on the table' for quite some period of time for the sum of
£1500. H...
An award – for an outstanding contribution to the accountancy profession
Accounting, Richard Murphy, Uncategorized Add comments
When I mentione...
Jersey election statistics 2011
On 19 October Jersey will go to the polls to vote for Constables, Deputies
and Senators on the same day for the first time. There are 82 candidates up
for ...
Coffee - Good or Bad - The age old debate!
So the other day I was working with a friend in the University Library when
we were disrupted by an irate Librarian as she punished someone for
drinking co...
Hell Bent...and Hell Deserving
Those who are not privileged to call themselves Old Victorians can only
imagine the pride and sense of entitlement that is imparted on donning the
blazer o...
Tuesday: Housing Starts, Industrial Production
[image: Mortgage Rates] Note: Mortgage rates are from
and are for top tier scenarios.
• At 8:30 AM ET, *Housing Starts* for ...
From the Depths - new from Bayit
Collaborating with members of Bayit's liturgical arts working group has
become an integral part of my spiritual practice in recent years. As we
Episode 155: The Macra Terror (3)
The Doctor and his companions have insisted on seeing the Controller for
themselves, instead of his static picture. They are shown an older ma...
CEEC hosts alternative Holy Week services
DIOCESES The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) is
inviting clergy ...
Mega City Book Club 289: The Drunken Bakers
Brian Walsh is back in the book club, and he's brought cake! We discuss the
history of Viz and the existential comedy of the Drunken Bakers by Barney
The Assault on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
That someone who looks more and more like the caricature of the antichrist
every day would launch an attack on diversity, equity, and inclusion is not
A Christmas Reflection on Love
Resisting the pull of scrolling through mind-numbing videos on Instagram,
TikTok, or facebook is not easy. Most of the time, I manage to hold my
ground. Bu...
Talking of Ted – resignations and retirements
Resignations and retirements, as we know, have been in the news lately. A
few weeks ago I received an invitation to a pre retirement seminar. I need
to be ...
Great Books of 2019: The Matter of Troy Revisited
2019 has been an unusual year, in that the short-lists for major literary
awards have included a number of novels which take their inspiration,
directly or...
WHERE are they gone that did delight in honour
Abrupt and absolute as an epic ends,
What light of the Last Things, like death at morning,
Crowns the true lo...
Shakespeare's Words version 3.0 launches today
The better the day, the better the deed, as Shakespeare didn't say. But
for everything he did say Ben amd I are thrilled to announce that we've
reached th...
The Helplessness of God - an Advent Reflection
The bedroom in my houseboat has french doors that open onto the water.
This morning I awoke to the sound of a swan approaching in flight. The
power of t...
Revolution, Evolution or Good Disagreement?
This post is prompted by a number of things that have left me pondering
how as Christians we are to bring about change in our churches. When we
strongly ...
The Vicar's FAQ
Today is the publication date of my book: *The Vicar’s FAQ: All you ever
wanted to know about Christianity and the Church*, published by Darton
Longman ...
In Our Time: The Borgias
It seems from the three scholars sat around studio 50E that there is no
proof of incest, either between father and daughter or between brother and
sister; ...
Data Protection Stupity
I normally desperately try to avoid any contact with any call centre unless
I really have to and today's experiences remind me why.
Having just moved to ne...
Order of Beetroot,Onions and Turnips
I am please to announce the Order of Beetroot,Onions and Turnips or O.B.O.T
for short.
I am the chosen chief as voted by a select group of root vegetables.
Make it StO
to boldly goes where no one has gone before - the wilds of St Ouen!
or yet to "klingon" to the Constable's ancient patriarchal powers...
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