Friday 22 September 2023

The Jersey Exhibition

From the early 1970s, Jersey Illustrated had this report on an “Ideal Homes and Trades Exhibition”. I remember going to one at Springfield, and then later at the Gloucester Hall. Interestingly they still had B&W Televisions for sale, colour TV had not become the de facto standard. Also worthy of note are the hairstyles and flared suits – and that’s just the men!

The Jersey Exhibition

For the first fortnight of November, the big attraction at Springfield was the annual Jersey Ideal Homes and Trades Exhibition and this drew large crowds each day between 2 and 10 pm. Some 70 exhibitors had stands and one of the main attractions was the fully furnished Guildway-bungalow situated in the feature hall. This was a Model 933 Long Island super version with three spacious bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, lounge. bathroom, toilet and hall. Erected by the local agent for Guildway, Mr. G. R. Langlois of Victoria House. Millbrook, the bungalow was beautifully furnished by Voisin 8: Co.

The exhibition as a whole was extremely interesting with a great variety of goods displayed . . . not only were these for the home but also for offices, sport. gardening etc. As is customary. Demonstrations on the various stands were a considerable attraction, exhibitors generally reported that business was good and the exhibition was undoubtedly an outstanding success.

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