Friday, 29 March 2024

1974 - 50 Years Ago - March Part 2

MARCH 1974 - Part 2

16.—More flights to and from Jersey were delayed this morning because of hill fog at the Airport, but a Met. Office spokesman said that things might improve later on. Jurat Sir Daniel Alfred Edmund Cabot, MROVS, a former Lieut.-Bailiff or the Island, died at a local nursing home. He was in his 86th year.

18.—-The Deputy Bailiff, Mr. Frank Ereaut, is to attend—as an observer—the 23rd Parliamentary seminar organized by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. It takes place at Westminster from Wednesday until April 9.

19.--The commanding officer of the Jersey Sea Cadet Corps has been selected by headquarters in London to .be the sole British officer in charge of ten cadets on an exchange visit to Canada this summer. Because the local unit won the highest number of points for the Canada Trophy for the best unit in the British Isles, two of the ten places have been offered to Jersey Cadets.

20.-——The two men convicted a fortnight ago of having criminally conspired to set fire to the home of Detective Constable Graham Nimmo last September were both sent to prison for four years by the Full Court this morning.

21.—Reports that foot-and-mouth disease had struck again at St. Ouen were quickly squashed. A Department of Agriculture official confirmed that a suspected case was investigated. but examination showed it was not the same disease.

22.—-—An emergency meeting of the Jersey Farmers Union labour committee has been called for this evening. It is understood that, in the light of the newly expressed fears about the spread of foot—and-mouth disease, the whole question of the recruitment of French labour is to be discussed.

23.—-The Island’s main spring cattle show, due to be held at Springfield on May 8, has been cancelled, and it is likely that all six parochial shows will not now take place.

25.—-In the face of growing concern within the Island's dairy industry the Jersey Farmers Union are going ahead with their plans to, recruit 700 French farmworkers, many from areas where foot-and-mouth disease is widespread. The decision, made at an emergency meeting of the union’s labour committee on Friday evening, was announced this morning.

26.— A £1 million plan for runway improvements at Jersey Airport, which will include extending the undershoot/overrun safety area at the St. Ouen's Bay end by building a stone retaining wall on- the steep slope there and infilling to form a new 450 ft embankment. was lodged an Greffe by the Harbours and Airport Committee in the States today.

27.-—Mr. Henry Perrée, the son of a former Constable of St. Mary, was this morning sworn in as a. Jurat of the Royal Court.

28.-—An approximate 50 per cent increase in the price of electricity was announced by the JEC—just three months after the last increase, itself more than 20 per cent. The off-peak tariff, used for night storage heating goes up by nearly 100 per cent.

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