Saturday 23 March 2024

Equinox Echoes

Equinox Echoes

I take up my staff, for now is the time:
The heavens movement so sublime;
Night and day, the balance comes,
I chant, while our tribe softly hums;
Day and night, the year now cleaves
The two in half, and the green leaves
On trees portent the changing season;
Our imagination entwined with reason,
As we know the earth is breaking free:
New buds and blossoms on each tree;
Our equinox, the balance of the scales:
The time for the tribe to hear old tales;
Now is nearly dawn, roll back the stone,
From the dolmen, the place of the bone:
Ancestors and grave goods, life and death,
And it happens within the space of a breath;
I enter the passage, and chant and await
Shards of sunlight come swift and straight
Along the passage, now filled with light:
An empty chamber now shining bright;
We rejoice in ancient song and dance,
That every year, order and not chance,
Will triumph in harmony, such a sign:
Surely an echo here of the divine.

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